2018: the three year bonsai time capsule

Yes. Pretty sure it was Fusarium wilt. Mycostop slowed it down, but couldn’t stop it.
Nothing left to do but haul it to the curb.
View attachment 220384

Very similar fate as my Pyracantha - but Coral Spot got it :( I think the fact that they don't heal very well and are susceptible to a whole range of diseases like scab, fireblight, wilt don't help. Saphyr varieties are supposed to be more resistant - like Teton or Orange Charmer. They are very hard to replace as a diy project - thickening is painfully slow.
2018 Time Capsule Submissions:
Yaupon Holly
Cape Honeysuckle
Elm Forest
No plan here either. Starter on removing the thickest branches. Grew new branches and reduced the toplength. It is struggling a bit to get to speed. Sowill repot again this year and maybe give it a bit more rootspace.

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Every year this moves a little further towards bonsai. I have a pot this might move into over the next weeks.


This tree has its own thread and I will update only there in the future.
Removed the dead branches. Brought the lowest living branch up in a sort of mother-daughter style. Brought all the other branches down. Now the basic structure is set, I supose I need to start refining and get the needle-size down. Also the daughter now has too many branches I think.

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View attachment 208354
This was donated to the needy. In this case, a friend without Larches
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