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  • My God Al that was the most courageous answer to a question I have ever read on these boards with your reply to Chub. That about encapsulates what most of us feel with regard to these socialist Governments we endure. My Daddy was an executive in the coal industry in Scotland on the electrical side of the business. We lived in big homes and enjoyed a good life through his work and position. Gladly we didn't live in that regime you had to put up with. That wouldn't have sat well with me also. Extremely well put, I laud you for it.

    Hello, my name is brad russell. I was wondering how to find a link to your article on growing tridents for shohin size bonsai. I read on the forum you were about to finish it. Is it possible to see. Thanks in advance.

    I have read of your use of gro-power products. I could not locate any locally so I ordered a box of the tabs from Jean at Gro-Power.

    What application rate do you use with the Gro-Power tabs, i.e. how many tabs ? How long do they last ? Do you re-apply more than once a year?

    Also, in your soil ,mix, what can I use instead of cali-dama?

    thanks. I am looking forward to seeing what humic acid can do for my trees.

    omg... I taught the ol' dog a new trick... what a bonus. :) Hey... I need to get some photos of your bench for a craftsman friend of mine who is going to build me some... he just wants to see what other people have done, and yours is a huge fav of mine. I don't suppose you've posted it here have you? If not... would you, or would you send me an email with some? I'll pm you my email addy.... V
    I'm convinced that you were my favorite aspect of the whole convention... and that is saying a lot, since it was an awesome convention, and it's not everyday a girl gets to contribute to a headliner demo. ;o)

    Hey Al, long time no see. I have been very busy this summer. Too busy to be honest. Just finished my last trip of the summer and then off for some vacation this Friday. Where are you posting these days other than here? I haven't see much from you and didn't know if it was just cause you aren't posting or maybe you are doing it elsewhere.

    Anyway, hope to see you soon.

    Hey Al,
    I've come across some wood that you might be interested in for stands. These are oak planks used in the wine industry. The are about three foot by four inches and 3/8 of an inch thick. They are stained by the red wine. They have a inch hole drilled in each end, and seem to me to be quite brittle. I was going to burn them in the BBQ but if you think you might be able to use them I could drop off five or six to experiment with. Apparently they throw them away at the wineries. If you want a few I'll be heading up to Yosemite for my summer job so I could stop by in the coming weeks. Let me know if you're interested.

    Jeff Lahr
    AKA Bonsai Barry
    Hey Al, long time no see. My seedlings are doing well and I have lots of them!

    I have the screen over about half of them. How long do I need to keep the screen on them? They are already pretty twisted. I’m just afraid that if I leave them on too long, it may rot the leaves or cause other problems.

    Hope to see you soon. I’d also love to sit down sometime and discus soil for really small posts. My soil keeps drying out and killing plants.

    God bless, Brett
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