I hope so, but I wouldn't bet on it. You could try rooting the "cutting" but that's a Hail Mary at this point.
I've had issues with squirrels and rabbits myself this winter. Something ate about a third of my white hemlock, but I think it will be fine (it was really hard to find one so I'd be seriously mad if they killed it). The little bastards did manage to kill a nice dwarf weigela, and I don't even want to think about the damage they did to my peach tree or my roses bushes... They also dug up a bunch of ginkgo nuts I planted in Autumn. Next year I'm going to make some cages out of chicken wire to protect the more valuable stuff in the ground.
I think it's time I start making examples of the wildlife, at least the more pernicious ones. Shame our neighborhood cat went missing, I could really use some help. My dog is not a killer, unfortunately.