so recently ordered and recived a 1ft zelkova serrata bareroot dormant sapling , was wondering since i am goign to use it as rootstock and graft variegated zelkova serrata cultivar goshiki to it ive read alot online but alot i wonder on and hopefuly askign here will recive some insight on these things if possible. 1 read that you idealy want the rootsock breaking bud and awake before grafting the scions on top and scions can be dormant still and work with the grafting. i guess would it be ok to bring the potted rootstock indoors under good grow lights and once starts to show buds swelling take the cuttings of my "goshiki" cultivar zelkova serrata outside thats winter dormant and graft indoors and then let it take or is that way wreckless or wrong and should only do outdoors and hope the rootsock wakes befoe the scion wood mother tree . seen so many different grafting methods but never grafted before , tbh id liked the rootstock to have been lots bigger this ones is only maybe 1 yr old and very thin and about 1 ft tall had hoped to have larger base and girthed rootstock to try a few types grafting methods and work on learning to graft as well as graft scions and grow out to later air layer and not chance failing an airlayer as i did last year on two branches one dried up immediately ( read i might have cut too deeply on the bark to illicit rooting and the other i went way to shallow and it rehealed no roots) so hoping to learn grafting and also make more mother material to work with later down road . (also if anyone has zelkova serrata that would happen be 1/2 to 1 inch diamter trunk not using for bonsai as much as rootstock to learn to graft on so it wouldnt need great nebari roots just typical healthy ones )