Will Heath Disappeared with Robert Steven's Pot

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This has all been highly entertaining!! Accusations of everything from theft to pedophilia and sex trafficking. Great stuff. Who knew bonsai enthusiasts were so exciting? Keep up the good work everyone.:D
Very interesting post. Would you be so kind as to elaborate more ?

Everything is here, but Vince's or Will's side of the story, we're waiting on that post, should be interesting.

keep it green,
To all who find this entertaining: I tend to be a bit gullible, but if this is true about Mr. Heath then why do so many find this entertaining ? To all of those "family value" conservatives that find this funny should see this as shameful and move on. It's interesting how us humans are much like African hyena's - we like to live off others crap. I often tell my kids how adults are no more than big kids. Its shameful.
What makes you think only "family value" conservatives are the only ones who may find this entertaining? YOU certainly couldn't move on without providing them with a moralizing nag...
Personally, I don't find anything funny about this, to me it's sad that a person or persons could stoop so low. You never know who's hiding behind a computer screen.

keep it green,
Everything is here, but Vince's or Will's side of the story, we're waiting on that post, should be interesting.

I think I have not been clear.
What I found interesting was grouper52's evocation of Greco-Roman moral philosophers' stuff.
The other posts were not interesting to me, just entertraining, for, as DaveV wrote, bad reasons.:D

( And I am not a conservative, far from that)
Sounds like Ol' Slick Willy has been banned from AOB and KOB as well......atleast that is how I read the post on IBC. Good for them, I think they will see participation rise with him gone.
Sounds like Ol' Slick Willy has been banned from AOB and KOB as well......atleast that is how I read the post on IBC. Good for them, I think they will see participation rise with him gone.

I hope he's not banned from here, I waiting for a response.

keep it green,
This has all been highly entertaining!! Accusations of everything from theft to pedophilia and sex trafficking. Great stuff. Who knew bonsai enthusiasts were so exciting? Keep up the good work everyone.:D

I smell a fish.....................

Rockm: Would I get in trouble if I said that only family value conservatives respond rationally to reason and correction.
I have not read through every post in this thread but here is what I have to say right now.

Yes, Will Heath has disappeared. He will not respond to my calls,
email, texts anything. What he has done is a horrible thing. I have
shut down the AoBKoB Store to stop others from ordering.

Please remember that these were the actions of one individual, Will
Heath, and not of the KoB, AoB, WhoIsBonsai, etc.

I have been working overtime trying to get all of our sites up and
running again as we have encountered a huge amount of data corruption.
It makes me wonder how this happened too.

Please accept my apologies for the the actions of Will Heath. I will
do what I can to make this right in everyone eyes. Not sure how, but I
will figure something out.

The "higher ups" of AoB and I are discussing what else to do about
this. I will let everyone know when that happens.

-Paul Stokes
Rockm: Would I get in trouble if I said that only family value conservatives respond rationally to reason and correction.

Dave, no you wouldn't. But then your question is loaded and drips with condescension.

Would you take offense if I said liberal folks with no morals weren't really qualified to make moral judgements? Stereotyping nags on both sides of the political aisle are pretty boring ...
To all who find this entertaining: I tend to be a bit gullible, but if this is true about Mr. Heath then why do so many find this entertaining ? To all of those "family value" conservatives that find this funny should see this as shameful and move on. It's interesting how us humans are much like African hyena's - we like to live off others crap. I often tell my kids how adults are no more than big kids. Its shameful.

DaveV, it's just human nature to be entertained, facinated, or which ever descriptive word you want to put to it. Look at how many reality shows flood the television networks now. Look how many months O J Simpson or Michael Jackson were constantly mentioned daily in the news.
Can you honestly say you would drive past an auto accident scene and not take one single look?
Mary B.
I have received a request to close this thread, and I am going to honor that request, since I think we have covered this topic, and there is no clear resolution of this matter at hand.

I hope that this issue is resolved soon, and if there is more pertinent information, I will add it to this thread. I am not trying to censor information, but I feel that continuing to harp on the same old information over and over will not do anyone any good.

For the good of bonsai, let's move on to happier topics. Thanks.
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