Will Heath Disappeared with Robert Steven's Pot

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As you may know that I had recently made the limited edition antique bonsai pot repro produced in the ancient Dragon Kiln of China, and had been selling through http://aobkobstore.com. Will Heath was the one I shipped my pots and does the selling. But recently I received several emails from people who had ordered and paid for the pot but never received it; and also from the AoB Contest winners who never received the pot as I had sponsored.

I had been trying to send emails to Will, even send SMS to his mobiles..but no respond... and recently Paul Stokes replied in http://knowledgeofbonsai.org/forum/viewtopic.php?f=50&t=4713 telling Will was disappeared. Will STILL OWE ME THE MONEY FOR ALL THE POTS I SHIPPED TO HIM FOR SALE.

I simply can't believe he can do this to me and to the bonsai community...I lost my full respect to him as I did as the editor for my book “Mission of Transformation” and as a friend. I really fill ashamed on him and feel sorry for him to have destroyed his own reputation in the bonsai community !!! He should had told me if he had any personal problem and I would be pleased to help on his payment, but not in silence and does not ship out after receiving payment from others.

Through this message, I warn all of you for NOT to order anymore the pot... I just feel very sad that all my afford to make this limited edition pot ends up on this guy's hand. Maybe one day the pots in his stock will be distributing around, and let this issue be part of the pot’s history....hehe…

Last but not least, despite of my money (not a big deal in fact), I think the one who is running KoB and AoB should clarify this issue officially through the forums as this certainly is damaging the reputation especially on future KoB/AoB’s contest.

Best bonsai regards,
Robert S.
I thiought that he (w. Heath) replied to a post on here recently.
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Hi Robert - very sorry to hear about your experience with Will. I hope it all gets worked out. I had a feeling Will was up to something very shady when post after post on here he was coming up with all these lame excuses for why people hadn't received their pots yet.

Karma is a b*tch, and I'm sure he'll get whatever is coming to him.
It looks like on Aug. 10 he replied to a post by MIke Page about KOB and AOB being down. I guess he hasn't disappeared.
I would hold off getting the rope to hang him..
No doubt he is very busy supporting his family during these trying times.
I take into consideration his love of both AOB/KOB and feel confident that he is not trying to kill them off but sometimes in life other priorities have to be first...And family is it for all of us!
Good sentiment Irene - similar thing happened before and there was family health issues. They do take precidence.
It looks like these pots have been "shipping" for almost a year:


Sure, he may have financial or other priorities to attend to, but buyers also trusted him with their hard earned money. Not to mention, it sounds like he stiffed Robert, who posted:

I would hold off getting the rope to hang him..
No doubt he is very busy supporting his family during these trying times.
I take into consideration his love of both AOB/KOB and feel confident that he is not trying to kill them off but sometimes in life other priorities have to be first...And family is it for all of us!

That's no excuse, a crook is a crook.

keep it green,
Family is not first for you?

Not if I'm supporting them with other people's money that I had stolen, what about their familys. Send me a couple of hundred bucks and I will send you a tree, my Grandkids need new school clothes.

keep it green,
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I would hold off getting the rope to hang him..
No doubt he is very busy supporting his family during these trying times.
I take into consideration his love of both AOB/KOB and feel confident that he is not trying to kill them off but sometimes in life other priorities have to be first...And family is it for all of us!

I'm with you Irene. People can be sympathetic and understanding. However, silence breeds mistrust.

It wasn't until after I posted my experience publicly with my own problems with AoB/Kob store that Will mentioned any personal problems. During our private exchanges nothing of the sort was mentioned. Hopefully all is well with him and his family.

Surely whatever is going on can be resolved with a phone call or an email.
Sorry to hear about the problems, Robert. I donated 200$ towards the AOB contest for your pots. The money was sent to Will via paypal. The last time I talked to Will was February 8 this year.

Takes a lot of money to get a book published when publishers are not willing to publish on contingency.

Rush Limbaugh always says "follow the money trail".....When the trail stops you will find the truth!

It is a fact that this thread has been read, and continues to be watched by Will as we speak.

I have a board with 64 squares on it....anyone wish to buy a date for $10.00.

BTW... I will be sure to tell you if you won:rolleyes:
Given how quick Will has always been, in the past, to respond to anything at all negative about himself or anything associated with him, I was sure I'd see several lengthy and probably irate replies from him to Bob's initial post. I was quite surprised to read the thread all the way to end and see nothing at all from Will! :eek:

Irene is right that we should wait to ascertain facts before branding him a crook. But I have to agree too that Will owes it to the people waiting for their pots to make an explanation. If there's a legitimate reason for the delay, it would only takes a few minutes per email to let people know what's going on.

And a public explanation would do him a lot of good, too. Many of us believe in giving someone the benefit of any honesty doubt, but the longer he waits, the less room there is for honest doubt.
Go to the link Mark provided- this all started blowing up at KoB on 7/18, almost 4 weeks ago. Will has had plenty of time to respond there, but not a peep from him on this subject. Barring something very strange, I think we have heard the last from Mr. Heath for a while. This is the third forum I've seen with a thread on this topic today...Will's silence is indeed speaking volumes right now.
Could he be enticed with Superthrive perhaps?

I was looking forward to viewing his art but he went quiet some time ago,like a flash in the pan.
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