White Fuzz Question


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We have a bonsai tree that was given to our son. It seems to be in pretty good health, but lately we have noticed some white fuzzy (mold?) on it. It used to have some sort of bug on it that would move around and eat this stuff (maybe?). I don't see the bug anymore.

The pot has drain holes and we only water it when the soil is dry to the touch.

Any advice would be appreciated!

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I don't think its mold, it looks like scale. I could be wrong. A better pic in an upright position might help. Scale are insects that attach themselves to the tree and suck the juices out until that section is dead. Let untreated, it will kill the tree in a couple months or less.

Updated pics - if these don't look good i will get a different camera.

Let me try these:

photo 1 (2).jpg
photo 2 (1).jpg
Pretty sure its scale or maybe mealy bugs. Probably scale though. You can try some form of horticultural oil or make a home made pesticide consisting of 1 tablespoon vegetable oil, 1 table spoon of dishwashing liquid like Ivory. Mix in a 1 gallon jug with water. Then add to a spray bottle. Now, add 1 capful of rubbing alcohol (from the alcohol bottle) to the spray bottle and shake well. Spray all surfaces of the tree. Underneath branches and foliage as well. Protect the soil with a bag or towel while spraying. Hose the tree off after 24 hours. Maybe repeat this again in about 3 weeks.

This treatment is most effective if you pick off most of the scale before spraying. You can rub them off with a smooth edge tooth pic.

Good luck.

agreed. Spray with Ortho Rose and Flower. Also, you can completely defoliate it to make the eradication process easier.

So we will pick as much of it off as we can, and then spray with the ortho. Can you give me some idea here, should we make repeated applications? Should we cover the soil as we do this? Just some basic guidance if you can.
I would cover the soil.

I would see how the tree responds before repeating applications.
I would repeat in a week if you have to. If it looks like they are gone I wouldn't.
That appears to be a Fukien Tea with a bad mealy bug infestation.

FTs are very sensitive to most chemical insecticides. I've found that neem oil/water/alcohol combo is safe and effective for use on a FT.
Looks like mealy bugs to me too. If you spray, be prepared to lose all the leaves. Just letting you know so you won't panic. It should send out new shoots in a few days after leaf drop though.

Some mealy bug hide under the root system so be prepared to re-treat later. They can be a pain but if you keep at it, they will eventually be eradicated. Good luck!
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