Which side is more powerful, more stable?


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Riverside, CA
Hi all,
I'd like to ask your opinion about this trunk base.
Which side is more stable and powerful? Please explain the reason for your select.

Side A.

Side B.
Hey Bonhe! I was just asking about you! We missed you!

In this case, I think it depends on the styling of the tree. Side A has a twisting motion to it that might work better with a more informal style. Side B is more static and might work better for a formal style.

All things equal, I prefer Side A because the roots seem to be grasping the soil better. Side B the roots seem to be going straight down. Side B is a little boring to me.
I personally think side A shows a lot of character...that said I would love to see if said tree carries that flow all the way to the top. It screams informal and battered to me. Side B seems like a solid base...but, one that hasn't fought the odds and won so to speak. So a more classical looking tree to go with it.
Hey Bonhe! I was just asking about you! We missed you!

In this case, I think it depends on the styling of the tree. Side A has a twisting motion to it that might work better with a more informal style. Side B is more static and might work better for a formal style.

All things equal, I prefer Side A because the roots seem to be grasping the soil better. Side B the roots seem to be going straight down. Side B is a little boring to me.

Hi Bonsai Nut, I missed you guys too! I hope we will get together sometimes in the near future.
You are correct about dependence of the tree style. This particular tree has formal upright style. Thanks for your opinion.
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I personally think side A shows a lot of character...that said I would love to see if said tree carries that flow all the way to the top. It screams informal and battered to me. Side B seems like a solid base...but, one that hasn't fought the odds and won so to speak. So a more classical looking tree to go with it.
Thanks for your thinking.
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