Where you're getting your seed?

I did consider Scheffield's but their seeds are so much more expensive and I've spent enough money lately. For example at Tree Seeds 50 trident maple seeds are $2. At Scheffield's it said the small packet of the same species averages 42 seeds at $4.95.
Sheffield's is great with customer service as well. They accidently miscounted one of my orders and I sent one email and they immediately replaced the entire order.
Coming out of nowhere!
Well, I'm thinking about trees again so it can't be that bad! :)

In fact I am headed to get a car load of starters here in about an hour. :)
If you want show what you get.
Last year I used Seedman (https://www.seedman.com/). I successfully germinated 3 kinds of basil, montery cypress, coastal redwood, she oak and an acacia.
I got rid of most of the seedlings but it was a fun way to pass the time in winter. Honestly I just did an online search for seeds and went with a site that seemed to be botanically credible, good experience with that site all things considered.
An update:
The seeds arrived last week. It arrived in a simple packaging of small plastic bags with a 20% off coupon for next time. The trident and Japanese maple seeds are in the fridge since they stratify the longest according to the company's planting guide. The next seeds will start in about a month from now. That way they can all be planted around the same time in early March (unless some start germinating sooner while still in the fridge).

Is there actually places that sell plants particularly suited for kusamono? I need to work on this aspect of display this year. Thanks.
Kusamono Gardens sells egret orchid bulbs. but there are no kusamono speciality seed companies, that I know of.

Nurseries that specialize in rock garden plants often have good species for kusamono. Native prairie nurseries tend to have that grass species.

I general just check garden trade perennial and annual seed companies. You just need to guess anou
I've bought from rarerexoticseeds.com. I have read some negative reviews from users here and with carnivorous plant groups. Fortunately I have successfully germinated trident maple, Japanese black pine, ginkgo and blue spruce.

I am searching for a reliable source of bald cypress seeds and zelkova.
Thank you, I'm also noticing it's sometimes better to buy 1 oz since it's a bit more expensive but you get more seed that selecting a "packet"
An update:
The seeds arrived last week. It arrived in a simple packaging of small plastic bags with a 20% off coupon for next time. The trident and Japanese maple seeds are in the fridge since they stratify the longest according to the company's planting guide. The next seeds will start in about a month from now. That way they can all be planted around the same time in early March (unless some start germinating sooner while still in the fridge).

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@wsteinhoff I realize this is over 2 years old but how did these trident maples do from seed?
I bought 4 varieties from a seller on eBay and almost all the seeds were dead, and they were expensive. I got seeds from Tree seeds last week and they are awesome.
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