When your significant other likes a "different" tree of yours than you do....

If my wife told me she didn't like one of my trees I'd tell her to go find some other place to live. I've been looking for an excuse for years so why not play the "I like this tree better" card. I can get another wife but decent trees are hard to come by and take a lot of work. :rolleyes:
My husband likes the Venus Fly traps on my bench the best. Its a guy thing.

Which is fine, he is entitled to his opinion and I'm entitled to disagree.:D
Dont laugh, but guess who had the duty to go out and pee in the yard to convince the dog that he is supposed to pee out there and not on the carpet.
(Hint: it wasnt me)
Does that work? I've never heard of this. Where's our veterinarian, @Dav4.
Honestly, don't you like all your trees? Sure you have favorites. But, I think it's cool my husband has a few that catch his fancy. I think it's great! That he's taken enough interest to have a few he prefers over the rest.
Like when your parents say the love you all the same....right?
Like when your parents say the love you all the same....right?

Nope, not at all...
My mom never said she loved us...she was wired wrong. Not her fault. I've never told my kids I love them the same though...but each are special in their own way.

I love my trees...for the stages they are. Though I have one that is ugly and raw...
Dont laugh, but guess who had the duty to go out and pee in the yard to convince the dog that he is supposed to pee out there and not on the carpet.
(Hint: it wasnt me)
I had this interesting image in my mind until the end. o_O
My husband likes the Venus Fly traps on my bench the best. Its a guy thing.

Which is fine, he is entitled to his opinion and I'm entitled to disagree.:D
I'm right there with you. My wife is entitled to her opinion as well and I'm entitled to be right all the time.
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder...

I trade trees all the time that I don't like, or I have gotten tired of, or I just don't want to put in the work on... meanwhile I often get trees in exchange that I really like. It has gotten to the point that I understand some of my friends' "tastes" in bonsai, and know what they would enjoy so that I always keep an eye out for trees they might want.
My husband has never even acknowledged my trees. I think he likes to pretend they are not there. Especially in the winter, when they're all inside. Whatever, I don't like to watch Illini basketball games.....
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Beauty is in the eye of the beholder...

I trade trees all the time that I don't like, or I have gotten tired of, or I just don't want to put in the work on... meanwhile I often get trees in exchange that I really like. It has gotten to the point that I understand some of my friends' "tastes" in bonsai, and know what they would enjoy so that I always keep an eye out for trees they might want.

Years ago, a friends mother had a jewelry business that was failing, so she had someone come to see what she could do to improve her business. The "specialist" asked her how she decided what stock to purchase for inventory. The mother said that she only bought the pieces that "she liked", and no others. This specialist told her to buy all the jewelry that she could afford to buy, especially the things that she didn't like, "provided that they could turn a profit"... within the year her business was thriving.

Not being in the business of buying, selling, or trading bonsai I would not do this... but IF I was, I'd barter and trade whatever came through the door, provided that it was healthy.
So this has me wondering if there are any couples were both are equally into bonsai?
My wife is into houseplants and into bonsai enough to tag along when I go to a bonsai nursery, but never when Im collecting, watering, working on them. She'll sometimes buy a mallsai and just put it on my bench and expect me to care (about) for it.
PS she has no bonsai tools @Smoke.
mine goes along to nurserys and shows and enjoys it, i think she even has a good taste as to which trees look better then others.
i tried to make her style a tree once but that doesnt work.. always like eeeh, i really need to cut that branch?, it did his best to grow and now you wil cut it.. wire oh no that will hurt the tree..
shes more of an already finished tree is nicer person
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