I've been seeing a lot of grafted kishu on a large bonsai tree. I'm wondering why people uses it instead of itoigawa for example. Any thoughts? Apart from personal taste and the fact that kishu's thick and dense foliage is proportional to the tree's height (say 40 inches in height), what are the other reasons why people choose it more than itoigawa? Just want to know if there are any other reasons that I don't know about coz I saw a post a while back about a large tree with itoigawa foliage and it also looks good. But nowadays, it seems like kishu is the way to go. I'm limiting this discussion between kishu and itoigawa. I know some uses shimpaku as well. I'm trying to focus on these two coz I like both of them. Thanks in advance!
* Happy New Year everyone!
* Happy New Year everyone!