What did you do bonsai-wise this weekend?

Mourned over squirrel/chipmunk damage, one tree dead and alot of damaged bark..very pissed. Turning me into a savage, they won't like me when I'm angry. 2 trees I was about to show next weekend we're victims .
Give them enough time and sometimes they can turn around.This damage from 2011 is starting to look more like styling than damage.

Finished styling up a juniper for first time, cutback and styling on a trident, some repotting and went to an exhibition at green club, it was a good weekend for me
Repotted some sticks in a tiny pot to a much larger pot and started off a Eucalypt in to colander.

Also discovered that Border Collies like to eat the little Japanese fert cakes so must put an end to that.
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