What did you do bonsai-wise this weekend?


Marine Bonsologist
Reaction score
Long Island, NY
Sifted soil components, sifted more soil components, sifted.....
Mixed 3 1/2 buckets of soil
8 trees repotted Saturday
2 trees repotted Sunday
Selective pruning done on 5-6 trees.
All trees fed and watered

Whew...no wonder Im tired and tomorrow is Monday :cool::(
Found me a sick Buckthorn for next spring!

Linden flowers are beautiful.

I'm on a mission for Linden!

Put my small trees into a humidity tray, pruned some Lonicera, put a ficus retusa in the greenhouse (it's still 7c/45F during the day).
Been dark in the AM when I leave for work at 5am and dark when I get home at midnight... no bonsai love for me this weekend...or sleep...
DT all weekend though.
Read threads and look at pictures of my own trees. Would love to see and work on them but time is not permitting. :(
Root pruned Hornbeam, Zelkova, and American Elms. Cleaned up the growing grounds....eliminated the on-the-ground leaves and weeds. And....walked around looking for buds on branches of the Celtis Sinensis Hackberry trees ground-growing.
Nothing major...pruned back the Virginia Creeper. It was getting wild...watched my husband stain my 7' bench with that leaded window. Did more work in the landscape than anything. Oh...bought another tree... :cool: Sweet shohin Bald Cypress. I need to stop with the itch of buying trees. Or I will reach my mental limit no time fast. :rolleyes:
watered everyone outside, moved a few from shade to sun,
Potted up a Sassafras stump I just collected this week.
Potted up a couple trunks of either hackberry or elm, too young to tell by the bark. Collected them with the sassafras.

Don't know if the sassafras will make it, past attempts always failed. This time I made a point of using an acidic soil blend, and will try to water only with rain water. Essentially treat it like a blueberry. Which are more fussy about acidic soil than an azalea would be. Time will tell. It was an easy dig, so if it don't work, I won't be out much in the way of time or effort.
Air layered a landscape j. Maple that I took a layer off of last year.
repotted a pine...noticed what looks like mealy bugs or some fuzzy white stuff on some of my pines! ewww...it's been years since I had any sort of bug problem! time for the 3-in-1 to kill the bugs

Watered trees and enjoyed them!
that's what happens with new trees though...they usually come with bugs...but the bugs don't survive too long once I notice them :)
mixed a batch of soil
made a nice size batch of fertilizer cakes
1 potting
some selective pruning on my rhode island red jm and planted the cuttings
started a handful of seedling cuttings from some jbp i started over the winter
did some watering using my new wand(i'll never go back to using a watering can)
fed my trees
and did some searching on the forum and the net,gathering some info
Messed around with my extremely frustrating juniper nana... trying to propogate more for future frustration, and also trying to air layer a limb that may look good as a windswept on a rock I have.

Then I went prospecting, and decided I need to get a smaller classifier so I can classify out some future bonsai soil while looking for gold. Lol
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Mourned over squirrel/chipmunk damage, one tree dead and alot of damaged bark..very pissed. Turning me into a savage, they won't like me when I'm angry. 2 trees I was about to show next weekend we're victims .
Went collecting, found some young ficus to bind together and a couple to stick in colanders to see if they make it. I found a wierd bush that smells almost like good ganja (so Im told, lol) and has cool little leaves and grows fat trunks. But its quite brittle. Any idea wth it is? Do cuttings grow? If my cuttings strike roots I might torture them lest someone says no for a good reason... Anyway here is a leaf pic. Seems like the leaf shape and that it has a strong odor I think make it easy if anyone knows about them. I can post more if it helps.
Also trimmed up a tree or two, watered my inside trees, and tried air layering three f. ben. branches, for learning to do it and the branches have nice curves. Planted other cuttings too. Not a bad weekend.


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Collected 6 more $80.00 Tamaracks.
Collected 4 more jack pines.
Broke a shovel trying to dig Hawthorns out of clay.
Repotted a bunch of American elm seedlings. Still have more to do.
Repotted Rupert's yatsabusa elm.
Tossed numerous tree carcasses onto the pile. It grows.
Nothing too exciting:

A lot of watering!
Light weeding
Light pruning of my trident maple (the new leader is starting to grow, very stoked about that) and buttonwood
First wiring of a boxwood (not Kingsville, just the plain ole boxwood common in landscapes in Central FL) I collected that was originally a hedge (thread about this later)
More watering!

My new Acer saccharum var. floridanum (18" sapling) and Acer leucoderme (around 15") arrived. I potted each in roughly 3 gallon pots and I am debating on whether to try one or both as landscape trees, or grow them potted for 2-3 years and see if either develops into half way decent pre-bonsai stock. Also in the order was a native Wisteria (fructescens) that will be planted in the landscape. I considered grooming this as bonsai stock, but I generally don't prefer to train vines/lianas as bonsai (just personal preference).

Am still awaiting the arrival of a Pinus clausa sapling I ordered from eBay. I know that a long, tedious grow-out awaits this tree before I can even begin to consider training it as bonsai stock.
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