What’s Wrong With People - Eastern Leaf Theft

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I try to help out as best I can.

Aye, that's what we all try to do, in our own "circle", and we don't need any religion to do right. On the contrary, religions have very often tried to minimize women, minorities, up to the point of torturing and killing the "miscreants" like they did in the past centuries, all religions the same.

But of course, you(re free to believe in a "god", I did myself until I became an adult, and I have friends who still believe. I try to avoid discussions about it with my friends "in real life", yet the most of them are non-believers.

But whatever, we share the same basic values, that somehow are actually based on basic principles like "thou shalt not steal". Still very up-to-date for old folks like me...

I think people really don't need to invent god to be honest.
Flip it around shall we?
People that believe in god do not have morality, but only fear for what wold happen to them if they do not obey their lord.

Does not sit well does it?
Let get the deity shit out of here as it is NOT relevant to morality, honesty or anything else. There are just as many religious as atheist criminals.
I'm not a supporter of the so-called Alt-right....until mainstream media started making them the star of every newscast, I'd never heard of any of them at all....but they need a boogeyman, and we all understand that.
The link is one of many many pieces of information that shines a light on why people on the left don't understand people on the right.
And satisfaction of the human being's base desires is called materialism....which is the foundation of Marxism....which is what lies behind the veil of the church of secular progressivism lead by the exalted high priest Dr. Fauci.
......just sayin.

Under rated.

Step 1. People only want stuff
Step 2. Human conflict is about unequal distribution of stuff and economic hegemony
Step 3. Remove stuff from equation by confiscation
Step 4. Give everyone equal stuff
Step 5. Provide gauranteed job so some stuff can still be produced*
Step 6. Paradise**

*literal slave labor of internal "dissidents" in modern era
**From which people flee at nearly any cost so they dont experience frank torture and enslavement

Modern version

1. People still want stuff
2. Human conflict is about the cultural hegemony which results in monopolizing the institutions which enable the stuff to be doled out unequally including intangible things like grades and outcomes
3. Give access to institutional positions based on race, culture, or "sexuality" (not competence) so the hegemony and cultural nepotism is dismantled
5. Provide gauranteed job or educational slot to the intersectionally dispossessed*
6. Paradise**

*Make-work positions like "Diversity Coordinator" given to anyone BUT white males

**Relentless and demeaning HR training to fill your time instead of your job description so the Diversity Coordinator can stay afloat. "Culturally responsive" approaches to discipline and law enforcement. Trannies reading to kids in libraries. Men in womens locker rooms. Jazz Jennings, "math is too white" etc.

Meritocracy not valued=everything sucks.

I might as well win the Emperors Cup cuz my trees identify as awesome, but through no fault of their own SOMEBODY made them all shitty. Not their fault!


Cultural marxism isnt about opportunity, it is about revenge.

I am paraphrasing 1984: "There is no past, there is no future, only a never ending present in which the party is always right."
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The video was painful to watch, the loss he felt. Seems almost like an inside job, picking and choosing the more developed trees, but at least they left the one he created for his wife. Not sure how a video about stolen bonsai on a BONSAI forum turned into a religious argument. Everyone is certainly allowed their own religious beliefs, but this is really not the place for it. Just sayin'.
I'm not a supporter of the so-called Alt-right....until mainstream media started making them the star of every newscast, I'd never heard of any of them at all....but they need a boogeyman, and we all understand that.
The link is one of many many pieces of information that shines a light on why people on the left don't understand people on the right.
Fuck the federalist 😂😂😂 pure garbage

and if you are going to pontificate about “needing a bogeyman” at least dont bring Dr Fauci in two posts before. He is basically the new Hillary.

governement employee? Check
Multiple degrees? Check
Man of science? Check
More intelligent than Trump? Check

No wonder the cult hates him 🤣🤣🤣 if he was a lesbian woman from San Francisco too, you would have a right wing culture war bingo.
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