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@Arnold My neighbors practically have farm animals, so apparently she bought a peacock one day. It got out and wandered through the neighborhood, I was out checking on my trees and and turned around and was like so confused how a peacock was in my back yard in town. Now every time it gets out it winds up here, and I have to take it back. Yes it’s odd, but have you ever seen someone walking a peacock down a street back home. Anywho thought I would share the craziness.
@Arnold My neighbors practically have farm animals, so apparently she bought a peacock one day. It got out and wandered through the neighborhood, I was out checking on my trees and and turned around and was like so confused how a peacock was in my back yard in town. Now every time it gets out it winds up here, and I have to take it back. Yes it’s odd, but have you ever seen someone walking a peacock down a street back home. Anywho thought I would share the craziness.
I love peacocks! I’d be thrilled if that turned up in my garden 😂😂
You wouldn’t love it if it stayed! God they’re annoying

rrrAAAW! rrrAAAW!

My wife’s parents had one camp at their place one year. They’ve hated them since
I really don’t find their sound annoying, if anything it sounds like a cat with special needs

love your username by the way, always makes me smile.
Trying living near one
I actually used to live near one some years ago, I used to love that weird little call off in the distance. I don’t think the owners had any peahens so in his case he probably was lonely.
There is an Anna’s Hummingbird eyeball looking at you….! Right eye and left eye from inside a ficus benjamina. Nest is built upon about an quarter inch branch. Wind moves it up to a foot in any direction.View attachment 427083View attachment 427084
Sorry, it wasn’t a hummer. Appears to be some sort of finch with a yellow head.
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