Waterfall Sumie Scroll #2


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Salt Lake CIty Utah
Waterfall Sumie Wallscroll final kakejiku blog.jpg
This was another variation on the waterfall. It was completed by Mariusz Szmerdt, polish artist. He can be reached at http://sumi-e.home.pl/contact/ This waterfall has more detail than the previous one, but it still focuses on the detail in the water rolling off the rocks, but I purposefully asked the artist to not add other vegetation to compete with a bonsai or Sanyasou in a display. This has a little higher quality cloth silk with a beautiful flower arabesque. When looking from far away it melds together like flowing water. It is completed with the Shibucha stained wood jikusaki and a Kodai San Iro kakehimo.

Dimensions as Follows:

Name in Kanji Name in English Size in Bun Size in Inches
天 Ten 117 13.96
上一文字 Ue Ichimonji 14 1.67
紙本の幅さ Artwork Width 74 8.83
紙本の長さ Artwork Length 127 15.15
柱 Pillars 17 2.03
下一文字 Shita Ichimonji 10 1.19
地 Chi 75 8.95
掛け軸の幅さ Scroll Width 108 12.88
掛け軸の長さ Scroll Length 343 40.92
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