Video: Bald Cypress Numadori "Deep Flute"

Very nice find, awesome flair. I liked the music as it helped drown out the freeway noise, & I'd like to thank your helper for getting that tire out of the swamp. The humor was good, a couple of jokes but then good information. I also appreciated the split screen showing the up close shot while you were working & I learned what Numadori is. My only advice is maybe leave the instructions on the screen for two seconds longer, I had to speed read at times. :)
Very nice find, awesome flair. I liked the music as it helped drown out the freeway noise, & I'd like to thank your helper for getting that tire out of the swamp. The humor was good, a couple of jokes but then good information. I also appreciated the split screen showing the up close shot while you were working & I learned what Numadori is. My only advice is maybe leave the instructions on the screen for two seconds longer, I had to speed read at times. :)

I have no idea what I’m doing with the music. I just went with “Yeah. I guess that’ll work.”

My helper is here on B’Nut if he wants to pop in and say hello.

The split screen is a happy accident. Too much content taking up too much time. The tree is vertical but the screen is horizontal. So split screen. I’m glad you think it works.

Next time I’ll lengthen the captions.

Would it have been better if I added a voice-over along with the captions? I see other videos that mix on-screen with voice-over. I’ll have to experiment.
I have no idea what I’m doing with the music. I just went with “Yeah. I guess that’ll work.”

My helper is here on B’Nut if he wants to pop in and say hello.

The split screen is a happy accident. Too much content taking up too much time. The tree is vertical but the screen is horizontal. So split screen. I’m glad you think it works.

Next time I’ll lengthen the captions.

Would it have been better if I added a voice-over along with the captions? I see other videos that mix on-screen with voice-over. I’ll have to experiment.
That's a good idea. It's like watching a movie with subtitles, your eye is elsewhere and now you have to read the dialogue sort of thing. No, big deal, just some captions were longer than others. Will this also be the progression thread for the BC? ;)
That's a good idea. It's like watching a movie with subtitles, your eye is elsewhere and now you have to read the dialogue sort of thing. No, big deal, just some captions were longer than others. Will this also be the progression thread for the BC? ;)
Sure. I can continue here.
Awesome, I’ll definitely put numadori into my vocabulary for when I want to be pedantic.

I liked the music a lot, makes me want to go play my Rhodes. Maybe for updates on this fluted guy we get some flute? I’ve been listening to tons of Hubert Laws.
Great video. Nice touch with the captions. You really lucked out with almost no tap root. A tree that size could have easily had a 10" solid tap root. NOT fun! Glad to see you back in the mud.
Awesome, I’ll definitely put numadori into my vocabulary for when I want to be pedantic.

I liked the music a lot, makes me want to go play my Rhodes. Maybe for updates on this fluted guy we get some flute? I’ve been listening to tons of Hubert Laws.
Japanese allows for building several words with "dori" for how you collect/harvest/pick/take something. I've found examples of river harvest, morning harvest, field harvest, spring harvest, and so on. It gets weird when "dori" and "tori" both show up as a translation for 採り. I think the verb "to take" is "taru". Maybe yamadori should have been yamatori. Either way, sometimes "dori" and "tori" results in "bird". I know nothing of the language, but I am willing to act like I do. 😁

Filmstro (where I get the music) does have a few songs with flute. Here's one called "Hudson" (for some reason). I might make this the official "Deep Flute" outro music.

If anyone wants to put music on their own videos, I really do like the Filmstro site and how it lets me customize the tracks.
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