One month update on this pine
The new needles are extending nicely and the candles stayed short. I still haven't fertilized yet and I've kept up with the Mancozeb treatment every few weeks as Brian suggested. So far so good
I'm getting 1-4 candles at every shoot that was decandled (I acquired it after it had been decandled), but whoever decandled it left the lowest branch alone, which has several secondary branches, and it's not growing anything new there.
Adair, I wanted to follow your advice and leave one of the secondary branches off of the lowest branch grow to get thickening, unfortunately those are the ones that aren't growing. Is there anything I can do now to encourage growth on one of these three or is it too late?
The new needles are extending nicely and the candles stayed short. I still haven't fertilized yet and I've kept up with the Mancozeb treatment every few weeks as Brian suggested. So far so good
I'm getting 1-4 candles at every shoot that was decandled (I acquired it after it had been decandled), but whoever decandled it left the lowest branch alone, which has several secondary branches, and it's not growing anything new there.
This fall, when you can see what you really have, see it there is a low branch that you won’t need as a part of the design. Next year, just let it grow straight up, and don’t decandle it. You need to build some girth on that trunk.
Adair, I wanted to follow your advice and leave one of the secondary branches off of the lowest branch grow to get thickening, unfortunately those are the ones that aren't growing. Is there anything I can do now to encourage growth on one of these three or is it too late?