Moisture rich enviro . In most cases warmer climates . Ie longer grow season . Milder winter . Leads to evolution of trees to take advantage . Most don’t consider the effect of water . On weather . Example Ottawa Canada is almost the exact same distance from the equator as Moscow . But Moscow has a much colder harsher climate . The difference is water . In the form of the Great Lakes on North America. They moderate the temp of all the land around them . And add moisture to the weather , there surrounded by forest and farm land . Look at the prairies. Colder dryer. I live about 1/2 way from Ottawa to the St Lawrence river . Work in Ottawa . But even that 45 minute drive changes weather not . From heading south but getting closer to water . Almost every day . 1 to 2 degrees cooler in sumner and 1 to 2 degrees warmer in winter .