Looking to get back into the hobby. I’m drawn to maples, but obviously not in the ideal growing zone for them. I’ve read that Tridents can be successful here. Any advice and opinions about this.
This advice makes sense as far as growing outside of the trees comfort zone. ThanksBit hard to tell outside USA but sites seem to indicate somewhere around 9 but likely quite a lot cooler in winter than FL. Tridents and JM love it here.
I have clients in Brisbane which is definitely sub-tropical. They report that trident is better than JM in those conditions and some report that tridents do 'well'. Doing well is a comparative term. Most of those growers have never seen trident maple growing to potential but are happy that their tridents survive and grow a bit. One grower orders seed each year as he is trying to use the natural genetic diversity of seed to grow trees more adapted to warmer climate. No protection for seedlings. Only those that do well are retained. I haven't heard whether that is producing results.
Not sure of the point of growing trees well outside their comfort zone. Takes so much more effort and struggle. You will never see autumn color. Leaf problems are likely each summer. Many much more suitable species to grow so why make a rod for your back?
Tridents are likely to survive in FL but consider if it is actually worth it in the long run.
ThanksGet in touch with bonsai supply,and d& l nursey. They are both helpful.
I live in south Florida 10b too and there's a subspecies of red maple with smaller leaves that grows vary well here long as they get good watering in summer they make decent bonsai and get fall colorLooking to get back into the hobby. I’m drawn to maples, but obviously not in the ideal growing zone for them. I’ve read that Tridents can be successful here. Any advice and opinions about this.
Cool thanks. Is there a subspecies name, or someplace to get ahold of one?I live in south Florida 10b too and there's a subspecies of red maple with smaller leaves that grows vary well here long as they get good watering in summer they make decent bonsai and get fall color
I believe it's Florida flame red maple the most reliable way would be to collect seeds or seedlings from parks they grow in a lot of forest around here with bald cypress i got some seeds from a park called fern forest i got a nice semi trained tree from the bonsai supply in Oakland Park but they didn't have much last i checked because of Corona they've been selling onlineCool thanks. Is there a subspecies name, or someplace to get ahold of one?
Cool thanks. Is there a subspecies name, or someplace to get ahold of one?