Thanks for writing that out! Merhaba!
Are you close to the sea by any chance?
What I'm seeing is a very specific issue regarding the incisions in the foliage. The three points all have a V intersection where they meet the leaf, and something is damaging that specific part. Because leaf cells are made in a certain order: first the meristem differentiates into a round leaf, then abscisic acid 'cuts' the V-shapes making three points out of a circle, then the cells expand and the leaf unfolds, then the cells expand further and solidify. Something is going wrong either in the abscisic acid cut, OR the cut sites die and dry up, causing the expansion to behave like an umbrella.
See it like an umbrella, or even better: a parachute. Cut the ropes off of a parachute, and you're left with a circle. The dried part of the foliage right now acts like the rope. Since it seems to happen before the cells in the leaf expand and reach their full size, I'm thinking something is damaging them after full leaf emergence.
This parachuting can happen in a couple of instances:
- When the evaporation rate is too low.
- When air flow is too high.
- When the nutrients are only nitrogen.
- Salt stress.
- Mite damage.
- Leaf sucking insects like aphids on the underside of the leaf.
I'm thinking two options: salt stress, or some kind of mite.
Mites especially are hugely understudied in science. So much understudied that some whole cultivars have later been attributed to mite damage instead of genetic changes. Treating with a miticide before a new flush comes out, might solve the problem for now. I don't know what miticides would be available in your area.
Since emerging foliage looks clean and has no problems, something happens after they emerged. Those edges is where the most water evaporates, and if you are close to the sea, that is the area where salt will build up and burn the foliage. Depending on where you are, your water might be an issue too. Chlorine and chloramine can damage foliage too, leading to similar problems, in a sense that looks somewhat like salt stress.
I hope my deduction can help you figure out what's wrong!