Trees stolen again... I'm done

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Can we keep the political bullshit out of the forum please?
We dont need to start a fight over political opinions in a bonsai forum.
Go somewhere else if you want to fight about politics
Your incoherence is showing @Glaucus. Have a great night! May God's blessings fall upon you and your family.

If you think my post is incoherent, just say which point you mean. And then I can provide sources from several independent media sources for every statement I just made.

If after that, you still believe reality is 'incoherent', then go make an appointment with your GP so you can get some professional help.

Can we keep the political bullshit out of the forum please?
We dont need to start a fight over political opinions in a bonsai forum.
Go somewhere else if you want to fight about politics

I even warned them not to do it. But if people feel the need to spew bullshit, I respond. If you make false political statements, you get fact checked.
If you think my post is incoherent, just say which point you mean. And then I can provide sources from several independent media sources for every statement I just made.

If after that, you still believe reality is 'incoherent', then go make an appointment with your GP so you can get some professional help.

I even warned them not to do it. But if people feel the need to spew bullshit, I respond. If you make false political statements, you get fact checked.
Oooo you warned them? Then went on another of your typical unhinged rants yourself. You making crap up, doesn't "counter" any else's false claims, it just makes you look like an idiot too. You literally couldn't complete your first sentence without making shit up. So mission accomplished there.
Oooo you warned them? Then went on another of your typical unhinged rants yourself. You making crap up, doesn't "counter" any else's false claims, it just makes you look like an idiot too. So mission accomplished there.

I only described what one guy who is running for candidate said and did. If you think that candidate is 'unhinged' then the answer is simple. You vote for the other guy. Even if you are convinced he has dementia.
If you dispute my description, I can back up everything I said with news articles or other sources.
You can't just sit there and claim I am 'making up crap'. Don't be a coward and tell me what you believe I made up. Then I can shove the facts down your face. And we will see if you can be a man and apologize.

Maybe you forgot that I already backed up all my claims earlier when this was about crime statistics. This isn't going to end well for you.
If you rather want a dictator for president because the last time that guy was president gas prices were low because the entire country was shut down, and even globally oil consumption was so low that petrol prices went negative, because of a pandemic, then you go and vote your constitution away.

But this is complete incoherent and clownesque. That guy has no policy ideas to lower gas prices. The US produces more oil domestically today than 4 years ago. If the global economy grows, then petrol prices go up
But you go vote for this guy who only became famous for playing a mean bully and a fake billionaire in reality tv. And forget that he literally tried to kill his own vice president to stay in power. And just forget that 44 of his 49 senior staff members have come out and said he is a danger to the country and intellectually incapable of being president, despite him also showing obvious age-related decline.
You go vote for the guy that praises extreme dictators like Putin, Xi, and Kim Young Un over and over. You go do that.
All because of some Fox News disinfo that that guy made unemployment go down. Or didn't start any new wars.
You go vote for that guy that when Iran attacked your US soldiers in Iraq, that guy literally did nothing in response. And then blamed the soldiers that had traumatic brain injuries for faking their injuries because they were 'not very serious'.
You go vote for the guy that cites from Hitler's Mein Kampf, and has said Hitler 'did some good things', and the guy who when in France during a D Day commemoration refused to go to the cemetery where US soldiers are laid to rest because those US soldiers who fought and defeated Hitler were 'suckers and loses'.
You go vote for the guy that cheated on his third wife with a porn star while his wife was pregnant.
You go vote for that guy who called American war Hero John McCain 'not a war hero because he was captured'. John McCain, who was tortured by the Vietnamese for years. And who when the Vietnamese finally were willing to release him, because McCain's dad was an admiral, refused to leave without his fellow PoWs. And was then tortured some more.
You go vote for the guy who was in charge of the US federal pandemic response when 1.2 million Americans died of covid. And who started off the covid response by saying over 38 times that 'covid will just go away'.
And when people explain this to you, you just call them 'eurotards'.

You go vote for that guy because Biden has dementia, for which there is no evidence btw, despite Biden being in office today and traveling all over the world and doing a highly competent job.
Or because California legalized theft. Or because Walmart closed 4 shops in Chicago. Or because some guy on Bonsainut tragically had their bonsai trees stolen.
You go and vote your constitution away.

I am not saying Clinton, Obama, or Biden did great things for more rural areas, the rust belt, the red states. But if you vote your democracy away, you never get to vote out the guy in the future. Whoever that is. And that other guy is also ancient. He is running to stay out of jail. Not to serve the country. Someone else will suddenly be in power and you have no idea who and maybe no way to get them out. You are kidding yourself if you think the US will get a dictator that isn't focused primarily on large liberal coastal cities. The only reason red states and rural areas in the US right now even matter is because you are a democracy. Even that guy himself never visits these states and calls their major cities, like Milwaukee 'horrible cities'.
In a dictatorship, which that guy, a failed NYC real estate heir, has promised to deliver, no one in DC will ever have any need think about or to talk to anyone in Iowa, in Kansas, in Missouri, in all those flyover states, ever again. DC will start to pretend that part of America doesn't even exist.
I come here Not to read this stuff. To be clear, I wish Trump would .... well, cease to be. But if this sort of thing is going to be allowed to be posted, then I am out of here.
It isn't just California. That's pretty much everywhere.

Theft isn't much of a crime until it meets a certain dollar value.... and that's the freaking world we live in.
No disagreement, but lowering the threshold for theft, and removing the penalties, the act is encouraged.
If all you wanted to say is that you find it regrettable that the police do not investigate all petty theft, because of lack of capacity or low chance of finding the thieves, then just say that. And then I, and probably everyone else, would agree with you.

Don't come out swinging and back an unhinged presidential candidate. Don't come out swinging and call people 'eurotards'. Don't come out swinging and claim others are 'making crap up'.

The only way that we can not talk about politics is if a certain segment of the users here don't try to connect bonsai theft, or forest fires, or vandalism of bonsai gardens, or costal liberal cities being crime cesspits, to something they heard in their far right social media politics.
And that if they do, they immediately get called out.
I only described what one guy who is running for candidate said and did. If you think that candidate is 'unhinged' then the answer is simple. You vote for the other guy. Even if you are convinced he has dementia.
If you dispute my description, I can back up everything I said with news articles or other sources.
You can't just sit there and claim I am 'making up crap'. Don't be a coward and tell me what you believe I made up. Then I can shove the facts down your face. And we will see if you can be a man and apologize.

Maybe you forgot that I already backed up all my claims earlier when this was about crime statistics. This isn't going to end well for you.
Your first babbling run on sentence that you turned into a paragraph is a start.
No "dictators" are running for office. Trump was president for 4 years and never turned into a dictator, no matter what your fragile sensibilities wish happened. So right off the bat you're full of shit.

Trump took office Jan 20 2017. The pandemic shut the country down mid to late march 2020. 75% of his term was already complete, and gas prices were lower during that period as well, so your claim that low gas prices were because of covid, is unsurprisingly bullshit as well.

That's just the first sentence, and you're
0 for 2.
If all you wanted to say is that you find it regrettable that the police do not investigate all petty theft, because of lack of capacity or low chance of finding the thieves, then just say that. And then I, and probably everyone else, would agree with you.

Don't come out swinging and back an unhinged presidential candidate. Don't come out swinging and call people 'eurotards'. Don't come out swinging and claim others are 'making crap up'.
Where did I back any candidate? Your rage posting has you confused.
There is some sort of profound irony to be found in international / political shit-flinging on an English language forum focusing on the Japanese interpretation of an even older Chinese form of art. I hope certain users would consider that this forum is a much needed hiatus for many from the intrusive and abrasive political sphere and that you subtract from the experiences to be had with other forum users when we refuse to stop engaging.

My sincerest well wishes to the OP, I often worry about somebody calloused, bored or desperate deciding to make my precious bonsai a mark.
Your first babbling run on sentence that you turned into a paragraph is a start.
No "dictators" are running for office. Trump was president for 4 years and never turned into a dictator, no matter what your fragile sensibilities wish happened. So right off the bat you're full of shit.

Trump has said he will be a dictator from day one during a softballl interview with Sean Hannity. When Hannity tried to make Turmp unsay these words, or add nuance, Trump refused:

Trump also committed many crimes to overturn the election result and stay in power. For which a grand jury indicted Trump in George on 13 counts.
And 4 counts in DC:

Including calling a violent mob to storm the capitol that was there trying to kill Mike Pence.

When Trump learned his mob was armed from his own secret service, including with firearms, Trump told them to take the weapon magnetic detectors away, saying: “I don’t fucking care that they have weapons, they’re not here to hurt me."
Admitting Trump knew his people were there to hurt someone else and he was ok with it.

And when Trump learned about his MAGA mob's desire to kill Mike Pence, Trump said Pence deserved it:

Trump took office Jan 20 2017. The pandemic shut the country down mid to late march 2020. 75% of his term was already complete, and gas prices were lower during that period as well, so your claim that low gas prices were because of covid, is unsurprisingly bullshit as well.

US gas prices spiked down because of covid in 2020. Under Trump. Then spiked up when the pandemic ended and the economy started up again and started to grow, under Biden. Then, they went down again as Biden had his inflation reduction act and the US production of petrol spiked.

And bureau of labor statistics.

Neither Trump or Biden control gas prices. The US is not a communist country. The markets control gas prices. I get voters around the world make gas prices affect their vote. Or how they feel about the economy. But truth is this does not have much to do with who is president.
And Trump has no plan to lower gas prices more. Instead, he basically told the petrol energy CEO's to tell him what to do, in return of 1bil USD campaign financing:

And the reason why oil & gas prices are important is also misunderstood by you. The key thing is Russia and their war. Which is almost entirely funded by Russia's oil exports. If the price of oil is low, Russia is hurting. If Russia is hurting, Ukraine could win the war. Or Russia might collapse and their nuclear weapons may fall in the hands of warlords. That's why the US government wants to keep oil prices low, but not too low.

Where did I back any candidate? Your rage posting has you confused.

There's more than 1 user posting here. The person who said that is BonsaiManic. But I feel they dropped a turd here, then fled for others to clean it up.
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I come here Not to read this stuff. To be clear, I wish Trump would .... well, cease to be. But if this sort of thing is going to be allowed to be posted, then I am out of here.
I stopped coming to the forum for 2 years in 2016 because of political fighting on the forum.

To be fair, Gregg might not have seen this yet
Gas prices. The US president has little to no impact on gas prices. Its a global commodity.

I actually went and looked it up on the US Energy Information Administration website

Gas prices went down in 2015 during President Obama's administration.
During his administration, the US increased domestic oil production, to the point where we surpassed Saudi Arabia in production.
This did impact prices to some extent as SA and others were trying to turn down their production to keep prices high, but overall it wasnt much of an impact


Here is a closeup of the years in question:


year and price per gallon

Gas Chart.png

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I stopped coming to the forum for 2 years in 2016 because of political fighting on the forum.

To be fair, Gregg might not have seen this yet
Yep, the last 3 pages of this thread should have been relegated to the Tea House... where I hardly visit these days and am probably better for it.
@Paradox One reason my graph and yours are different is that mine is inflation-corrected. Which on one side is fair, on the other side is unfair. Inflation is going to happen. So if you want to compare, you need inflation adjusted. But, if your argument is that inflation was too high, then you can't fully ignore it.

The federal government can of course affect gas prices a small amount. The US can pressure allies in OPEC. The US can use their strategic reserves. And one can deregulate the oil industry. The US became energy independent during Biden. From policies set up by Obama and continued by Trump.

We in Europe get a lot of our oil from the US now. Replacing Russia's oil. What do you guys think gas prices were like here at the start of the Ukraine war?
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