Tired of Crappy Threads

Yeah, yeah, yeah, we got smacked down 2 to one....sure rub it in. ;)

I've been swearing for the last half hour.....can't believe that the Wings lost. This is unreal...

Can't stand the sight of Cosby hosting the cup.
What the heck happened?

Well, my consolation is that Kobi and the Lakers win on Sunday, and I can watch their championship parade next week from the entrance of my office (they always pass by our building).
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Can't stand the sight of Cosby hosting the cup.
What the heck happened?

Wohoo! WTG Pens:p:p:p:p:p

Crosby is from my home town:D

They reached deeper than the Wings, that's what happened.
YEs, it's all over, until next year.

So many shots on goal, so few scores....good game though, the Pengins played a good game.

Yeah, yeah, yeah, we got smacked down 2 to one....sure rub it in. ;)

That was one hell of a game Will. I was pulling for Detroit as well especially since the Pens knocked out my Caps!
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