Tilia cordata first Yamadori of 2023


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Well yamadori are not an option this year. My old site is now a 2 hour drive from my new house. (Just finished moving house leaving little time for bonsai)

so while ive been sorting my new shed and bonsai bench in the garden i found hidden away in an overgrown part of my new garden a planter of extreamly old ivy.

Time for gardendori... lolz

The plan was to chop it up and look for some good thick trunks.


And i found some.


Maybe next year ill get to visit my old collecting area when im not stressed to the nines doing a massive house move.

In the meantime in very happy with what i found in that old planter
Yea I never come across it like this !! And we’ve had ivy at my dads property forever lol only out in the woods or on old properties doing tree service/removal have I seen super fat ivy, on them old removals it’s usually wrist thick I’m regretting not trying to salvage some. I have one tiny little ivy potted up it’s a nice sturdy little bent trunk , very cool good job making the best of an old find
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