Thinking of a custom title for @JudyB

I can't see Judy as a groupie. She has some seriously LARGE bonsai...she deserves something very fitting. She is tuff as a good way.
She is/was a sound techie for rock bands back in the day... a reach perhaps but kinda makes sense
How bout....

"She who's Avatar is Older than Akadama"?

OMG, I am laughing too hard. I didn't even know I was so close! I do mostly lighting design these days and production electrician work for Ballet, Opera and Dance companies, a far cry from my monitor engineer career for rock (and funk and jazz and country) acts back in the day. The guys that work for me these days call me Judy Jail. Cause they really have to WORK on the job. I work harder than anybody, so I expect the same from them. But they love it too. You guys can go ahead and decide, as long as it's not bonsaikitty....:oops::)
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