The Shohin Tree Thread

iphone cameras have really come a long way for nighttime photos. repotting season is in full swing, and I knocked out my first two tonight. transferred an American hornbeam to a Yozan:


...and a recently-shipped stewartia monadelpha into a deeper yixing for development. really anticipating the future for this one:

Some of my future shohin Chinese quince in one of my grow beds. These are all in their 2nd year from seed. They fatten up really quickly in the ground!


Slightly larger exposed root. This is 2 seedlings fused together. The upright sacrifice trunk is from one of the seedlings and will be removed, I’ve fused its roots to the twisty seedling on the right.


A sea of Chinese quince, Ume, tridents and JM

Some of my future shohin Chinese quince in one of my grow beds. These are all in their 2nd year from seed. They fatten up really quickly in the ground!
Good luck with making shohin from Chinese quince. The ones I grew always had long internodes and random shooting after pruning so very difficult to get ramification.

A shohin sized shimapku. At least I hope the cascade meets shohin requirements. I'm never sure how to measure cascade?
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