Thoughts on when to spade trim? Are you planning on going all the way around in one shot get it over with? or doing it in two waves, (e.g. doing N/S/E/W trim one time and NE/SE/SW/NW in the next round?)
and thoughts on timing of top trim and root spading and eventually repotting. Things to make sure are done first or last?
Mine has a larger top, and I ponder how to balance letting it keep green to feed itself, while also wishing to take general load off the plant so its not trying to support (physically or nutrient wise) so much while i mess with its roots.
yeah i have re the entire thread twice and appreciate the good documenting you have done.
I'm well aware that my plans are not a good idea. However this plant will end up in the compost pile if it does not move and it is over grown and mismanaged already, so it gets to live a wild and crazy life and take risks.
basically, i was not asking if i should, i was asking advice on how best to not listen to the rest of your advice, sorry