Firstly, the title of this thread is "The fastest way to develop deciduous bonsai: Walter Pall's hedge pruning method explained". It isn't "Smoke's hedge pruning method" but you are very narcissistic and want it to be about "you" and your methods. I guess that's why you created your own thread lol.
So let's take your interpretation that WALTER PALL'S hedge pruning approach is a refinement technique. The original article states quite clearly that:
Growth is sheared back twice a year - once in mid May and then again in early August. It uses STRONG GROWTH to "close wounds", "thicken branches", "induce backbudding" and to significantly "improve the nebari". Clearly, he is building structure - NOT TWIGGING OR REFINEMENT. The growth would be far too coarse and far too thick.
For you to post twiggy, refined trees and to say that Walter hedges maples with this as the primary goal is just plainly wrong.
I look forward to your response actually addressing the goal of WALTER PALL'S methods and arguing against why his technique is not based around development, as opposed to refinement. I expect quotes from the actual article (as I have done) because it's very clear you either have not read it or you cannot interpret it correctly.
Unfortunately, what I will get, I suspect, in response will be either
1. "Show me your hedge pruned tree" - the typical Kepler reply used as a defensive mechanism used when you're clearly wrong.
2. Silence!
3. YOUR interpretation of the Smoke hedge pruning technique.
So c'mon Al, actually formulate an argument based solely on the article's goals. Try and avoid personal attacks like the one on