Yes... a .0002% chance of being subjected to overwhelming force is indicative of a systemic problem.
I've seen this around once https://www.bon-tag.com/Personally, I think Air Tags/Tile whatever, are a waste of money for bonsai. Impractical, not durable (have they been rated for the exposure to heat, cold and wet, for example?) and expensive-$30 per tag? Additionally, the size along makes them mostly a no-go for smaller shohin trees (which are easy theft targets). A tag has to be inconspicuous or it will get removed. A tag stuck under a pot is pretty visible, in the soil, it's impractical and probably rendered useless by being buried in dirt, watered and fertilized for months or years.
If I was going this route, I'd use simple microchip ID systems. Passive, yes, but vastly less expensive and a lot more durable (injected under the skins of literally millions of dogs and cats). If you want to ward off thieves, posting a sign that the trees are equipped with electronic ID will probably deter a lot of thefts--ask homeowners who put ADT signs outside without actually installing systems in their houses. Thieves seek the easiest things to steal. Putting a warning up shows them stealing your tree isn't going to be as simple as they hoped.
I can’t say with certainty what their durability will be since this last spring has been my first attempt at using them. I place them in little bags that seal and so far the signal has been consistent. I had someone move a tree with one to a show(it was in another city) and the location continued to update. Over time it may prove to not be a viable solution but the cost is minimal(for me personally). Between cameras and some signs, hopefully it’s enough layers of protection. While I’d hate to have to reach for the insurance coverage since the tree is still lost, at least the monetary protection is there as a last resort.Personally, I think Air Tags/Tile whatever, are a waste of money for bonsai. Impractical, not durable (have they been rated for the exposure to heat, cold and wet, for example?) and expensive-$30 per tag? Additionally, the size along makes them mostly a no-go for smaller shohin trees (which are easy theft targets). A tag has to be inconspicuous or it will get removed. A tag stuck under a pot is pretty visible, in the soil, it's impractical and probably rendered useless by being buried in dirt, watered and fertilized for months or years.
If I was going this route, I'd use simple microchip ID systems. Passive, yes, but vastly less expensive and a lot more durable (injected under the skins of literally millions of dogs and cats). If you want to ward off thieves, posting a sign that the trees are equipped with electronic ID will probably deter a lot of thefts--ask homeowners who put ADT signs outside without actually installing systems in their houses. Thieves seek the easiest things to steal. Putting a warning up shows them stealing your tree isn't going to be as simple as they hoped.
Same tech used with dog microchipping basically.I've seen this around once https://www.bon-tag.com/
Seems like a decent price for the peace of mind. Although I don't know how much these chips usually cost
I figured as much, but combine with the pot tracker they have and a whole collection can be identified even if thieves try to remove the tree and pawn the potSame tech used with dog microchipping basically.
You can get a set of 20 chips for about $30 on Amazon. You also have to have a scanner, which is about $40 or so. The key to this approach is to register the chips and numbers with a service that records that info. If you don't register the numbers they can't be tracked back to you if they're scanned.I've seen this around once https://www.bon-tag.com/
Seems like a decent price for the peace of mind. Although I don't know how much these chips usually cost
I appreciate the conversation. It can get very cerebral fast, and I agree with you and @ShadyStump we should leave it here (I’m responding later as I made my way to the thread just recently). Thank you again for the conversation.I'm not a Christian, but I have extensively studied the New Testament--hell, I went to Catholic school! Trust me when I say that I'm not interested in reading a Christian proselytization blog on the subject. I am mostly interested in the Jesus of Nazareth as presented in Luke, which is as you know somewhat the black sheep. I also hold the Gnostic texts to be part of my canon of Jesus. He is an interesting character to me specifically because he is so radically different from the perspective of different writers, in different communites, which is just amplified by the changes of those communities over time.
I'm sure none of the other people in this thread want to hear us argue over who's Jesus is better, so I'll leave it at that.
This is the equivalent of the chip you put in your pet.Just saw this:
Installation Instructions | BON-TAG
Look at instructions: Drill trunk, apply decal, etc.
Too much stuff. Create record of implant.
Be far more effective if local cops were made aware of the problem and trained to look for people carrying trees in pots at night.