The @Brian Van Fleet custom title thread!

You may have saved a home or a life since they figured out the pump issue that day.
Fires are no joke in California. In the mountains where I bike, we had some dingbat allegedly threaten some neighbors and start a small fire to teach them a lesson. 23,000 acres later, the guy is facing life in prison.

I used to bike the area frequently. It is "off limits" for at least a year, after which they will assess whether the area is stable enough to re-allow people to access the trails. I hate to consider what I'm going to find once they allow us back in. The area was my favorite part of Cleveland National Forest and contained a large area of massive oak trees.

Debris Flow in Trabuco Canyon caused by the fire (and why they won't let anyone up the canyon atm) (1:30 is when the guardrail goes)
Ugh. It’s truly sad the way fires have been ravaging Californians homes and lives. Worst part are the developers who continue to build homes the exact same way over and over. Loaded with highly flammable materials without proper vegetation setbacks. NM has seen some devastating fires but California’s have been terribly tragic.
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