The (bonsai) B-Nut dream team...

Great team but I requested both heavy hitters (Bill V & Walter P) be excused if possible...

Sorry I missed that...they are both members here though and that's the only qualification listed in your initial post:)
ya know, Victrinia's hubby Eric is no slouch.....I just wish they had a quince team I could be on :)
Dario, in all fairness there are many heavy hitters here. Judging by those that post trees that are always impressive either in design or technique I would choose (in no particular order) Al, Rob, Vance, Victrinia, Eric, Sawgrass, Sam, Ryan Neil.

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Dario, in all fairness there are some heavy hitters here. Judging by those that post trees that are always impressive either in design or technique I would choose (in no particular order) Al, Rob, Vance, Victrinia, Eric, Sawgrass, Sam, Ryan Neil.



I know, but I think Walter Pall, Collin Lewis, Bill Valavanis, and Ryan Neil are on another level (no disrespect to the others). You can go ahead and put them in yours if you wish, it is just for fun anyway. :)
Kind of like a fantasy football league?
If I were to assemble a dream team to compete in Bald Cypress(Deciduous Trees) it would be John G and John G ;)


Edit: And another team consisting of bonsaibp and bonsaibp competing against each other.

They both ROCK, although I have not seen bonsaibp enter and win with a BC for a few years.
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lol... cute... I'm not a big fan of insta-bonsai but I'd battle it out for peeps.

If I were putting together a team of non-professionals, I'd take me, Eric, Dav4. Rob, Al, Vance, Brain Van Fleet, sawgrass, and Thomas J. (If you don't know Thomas... you should... he's smokin hot good).

I wouldn't box people into types... I'd take the team and approach everything with the eye to what draws people to a particular piece. Inspiration trumps species... because with this group there isn't much they couldn't do. :cool:

I only left me in so there's a token chick... :p I only left Maria Kapra out because I consider him a professional... though he'd be a clincher. lol

Oh, the new avitar is of a new pot from Dan Barton from the UK. Loved his frog climbing in to the pot stuff so had him change it a bit for me to a toad....:)
Oh, the new avitar is of a new pot from Dan Barton from the UK. Loved his frog climbing in to the pot stuff so had him change it a bit for me to a toad....:)

I was very curious about the toad! Very cool "custom" touch there!

I'll take Dorothy Schmitz. Category doesn't matter to me, and I doubt it does to her. I would like in on the cypress party though....
I'll take Dorothy Schmitz. Category doesn't matter to me, and I doubt it does to her. I would like in on the cypress party though....

yea Dorothy and Eric Schrader would make a great team, for anything.
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