Starting Cherry Blossom seeds


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I just got some Cherry Blossom seeds and I have been trying to find when the best time of year to start stratification would be to have the best success to start them.

I cannot find anything other then how to do it online and was hoping someone has had some success, and can let me know when I would be best to start, I live in Tennessee which is a Climate zone 7.

Any help is appreciated!
Cherry Blossom is not a type of tree. Is this a cherry (prunus) species? Any variety of cherry tree (there are dozens of cultivars and species, from flowering cherries like Yoshino, Kwanzan, as well as wild varieties, like the native black cherry (prunus serotina) to sweet cherries grown for fruit, like Bing cherries. If so, the seed require a cold stratification process (overwintering) or a period of cold to germinate.

I believe it is Prunas Serrulata, but I was just wanting to know when the best time of year would be to start the stratification.
I believe it is Prunas Serrulata, but I was just wanting to know when the best time of year would be to start the stratification.
Where are you planning on planting them? If it's outside, I'd just put them in the ground now and let them alone. The winter will take care of the stratification.

If you plan on indoors, well, really wouldn't do that. They won't survive or even germinate inside.
I believe it is Prunas Serrulata, but I was just wanting to know when the best time of year would be to start the stratification.
That will depend where you are in the world. Seasons are very different in different parts of the world, so are sowing and growing times.
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