Starting bald cypress seedlings


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SW Vermont
I am buying some bald cypress seedlings and I would like to plant them in the ground in or near water. I have several pools created in our landscape that are spring fed and rarely freeze entirely on their surfaces, even at temps as low as -20 F. I was thinking the wet edges of these pools might be good locations to get bald cypress started. The seedlings will arrive this month, so what would be a good first step for potting bare root seedlings? Then once spring arrives, when should they be transplanted to the pools? Or even is it a good idea to plant them in the shallow water of such pools? Many questions I know. Thanks for any advice.
In terms of potting bare root seedlings...Granted, I am in Central Florida (9b), but it shouldn't be that different for you, all I did with 50 seedlings with 100% success rate was to place them in 1-3gal pots with regular potting soil, watered as needed and just waited for them to bud out.
Anecdotally, I have read that they will be more or less cold hardy depending on where they come from. Given that you may be in the northernmost part of the BC range, that might make a difference on how aggressive you might want to be with them.
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