spring is here post your flowering Bonsai

Gonna be 90+ here today spring is long gone. I do have a few flowers but on trees in grow pots. I will try to post some later.
all my trees are pushing out leaves now and breaking buds...it's supposed to stay ~38 or higher as the low from now on, so I guess spring is finally here!

will post pictures of my quince once the flowers arrive
JKL, very nice trees and great choice of pots !

fredtruck, Ditto !

10 years away from bonsaistatus.. Collected this one last summer, so first time I see it flower. It is said to be 45 years old. Mayor trimming to happen this year, after layering a few branches for the garden :D. The plant now stands 5ft tall, 7ft wide in a 2ft container :D
Just when spring looks like it might be ready to show up here, we get a snow storm. Got 4 inches on Saturday and expecting half to one inch tonight....*sigh*

Buds are swelling on maples, birch, burning bush and azaleas in the garage.
Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow -- First day is purple very cool plant buds look like they have a face on them.IMG_3171.JPG IMG_3170.JPG IMG_3168.JPG
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