Species Study - Salix Matsudana


Squarepants with Conkers
Reaction score
Northeast Wisconsin
These Specific Species Study Threads will serve for the documentation and discussion of growing young plants, upwards, together, towards a common “TinyTree” presentation goal!

Salix Matsudana..... Corkscrew willow. Often receiving a "short-lived" tree stigma, and often overlooked.

In spring(ish), our good friend @19Mateo83 sent to me, 'mongst other things, a Corkscrew willow cutting which had been getting 'uge.

I have, since, been developing it, with a quite dynamically profound bunjin-esque piece in mind. We'll see what 5 years brings.

These pictures where taken mid-Nov.IMG_20221109_161452.jpgIMG_20221109_161445.jpg

We have a small slew of these cuttings growing on flat bits of plaster/cement in deep nursery containers, AS WELL AS a handful for landscape stock.

Wow! That thing has gotten big! I let it’s brothers and sisters grow wild all year, they grew every bit of three foot tall with no branches, just one twisty tall trunk. They are on the list to get chopped back in the spring. I have been surprise by how fast these grow.
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I'm discovering this of ALL "happy" Salix... Once they are comfortable, all their needs met.... They just push and push and push...
The tree all these cuttings came from was planted as a cutting 20 years ago. It is every bit of a foot in diameter and at least 20-25 foot tall.
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