Some projects for next spring


Drop Branch Murphy
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SE MI- Bonsai'd for 12 years both MA and N GA
So, I've come to realize that my collection needs more nice Japanese Maples (thanks Mach5!). To that end, I've begun to collect material to develop over the next decade or two:eek:. Most of the material will be air layered from trees I've planted in my yard, though some will be created from stock I've purchased. I thought I'd post some pics of my upcoming projects now, mainly because I'm bored, and If I post now I'll have to follow through and actually start them next spring:o:rolleyes:.

To begin, here are two A. p. 'Arakawa', purchased from Martin Sweeney. The double trunk is a 5 year old cutting that is already developing a nice nebari. It will get its roots worked this spring and get placed in the ground for a few years. The triple trunk is an air layer from this past year. It may eventually go in the ground, too, but not this year.


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Next is a 6' tall grafted A. p. 'Shishigasgira', purchased for $50 on discount at a local nursery. This one is going to get air layered in multiple places. The leaves on this one are super small and beginning to color up.


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Next on the list is A. p. 'Pixie', apparently derived as a witches broom from 'Bloodgood'. The leaves are smaller then on 'Bloodgood' and really hold their color well in full GA sun.
I'm planning on air layering at a fork to get two trunks.


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Then there is this one, a dwarf for which I don't have a name (lost it:mad:). The leaves are very small, but this one is VERY vigorous (planted as a 1 gal graft 4 years ago...canopy 5' across now), and the branching and trunks below the foliage are really thickening up.


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Finally, e have A. p. 'Seiryu', an upright dissectum that is apparently easy to strike from cuttings. I'll find out in April...:cool:.


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I thought I'd post some pics of my upcoming projects now, mainly because I'm bored, and If I post now I'll have to follow through and actually start them next spring:o:rolleyes:.

Good plan. LOL

I do the same but more to force myself to document. Otherwise, I will just keep chopping and not know what happened interim.

Very nice trees and looking forward the progression. :)
Thanks Dario. Hopefully, this will be a fun one to update...maybe, by late June next year, I might have some of these layers in pots:cool:.
I had success in southeast pa when I started my layers in May as soon as leaves were hardening.I separated with 6 weeks before first frost and they were pushing roots out of the colanders I planted in by autumn.With your long season you should have success.I would love to find a shishigashira as I layered an ojishi,the male lion.Enjoy your trees,thanks for sharing.
I had success in southeast pa when I started my layers in May as soon as leaves were hardening.I separated with 6 weeks before first frost and they were pushing roots out of the colanders I planted in by autumn.With your long season you should have success.I would love to find a shishigashira as I layered an ojishi,the male lion.Enjoy your trees,thanks for sharing.

Thanks. I've always done my layers as you have, but I'm going to start some of the layers before the leaves push. I think it will be easier to perform without the leaves in the way, at least as far as that short wide dwarf is concerned. I'm also planning on staggering the layers on the 'Shishishigira', starting a few high up on the tree before the foliage arrives, then performing a few more lower down after the leaves harden off. Hopefully, I'll get some meaningful results...stay tuned:D.
Then there is this one, a dwarf for which I don't have a name (lost it:mad:). The leaves are very small, but this one is VERY vigorous (planted as a 1 gal graft 4 years ago...canopy 5' across now), and the branching and trunks below the foliage are really thickening up.

That looks like Murasaki Kiyohime to me (maybe?). I have a small one in my yard also.
Nice JMs Dave. I look forward to seeing the progressions. I also have a strong affinity for JM! I have 5 JM (4 Shinchisio and 1 Seigen) that I'll need to airlayer to remove the grafts in Spring and then ground plant.
Can't beat 50 $ for the lions mane, they grow so slow, I have a five year old cutting and its about 8" high, the dwarf green maple looks like a lot of the cultivars, its really hard to say, if its murasaki, it should get yellow orange colors in spring I believe.
Lots to look forward to...and exiting material. I am jealous of your color...I only have reds when the leaves are pushing but never in fall.
I applied two air layers to the Shishshagira today. The buds were swelling and I'm doing a little experiment to see how important timing is when applying these air layers. Once the leaves have hardened off, I'm planning on applying several more layers to different parts of the tree. Hopefully, all layers will take:D.


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Dave, now that you have interupted the flow of nutrients etc. with teh air layer on the main trunk do you feel it would be wise to do another layer above or below that one? Usually on multiple layers I do them on outer branches, I think once the main "artery" has been disturbed there may not be enough energy to sustain additional layers. Have you done a maple this way before, I have never layered a maple is why I ask.

Dave, now that you have interupted the flow of nutrients etc. with teh air layer on the main trunk do you feel it would be wise to do another layer above or below that one? Usually on multiple layers I do them on outer branches, I think once the main "artery" has been disturbed there may not be enough energy to sustain additional layers. Have you done a maple this way before, I have never layered a maple is why I ask.


This tree has two main trunks with several smaller sub trunks. The two layers from yesterday were applied way up on smaller branches. The layers planned for later this month will be done lower down. One will be done on a sub trunk that hasn't had anything else done to it. Two others will be done down low, but will be in the same line of other layers. I've never applied multiple layers "in line" like this, but there will be plenty of foliage to support each layer, so I think I should be fine. The main trunk will be layered just above the graft next year.
My husband absolutely LOVES the small weeping maples in yards. Not sure their name...but they never get large. Their leaves toxic...I believe. But a good thought is to maybe...plant him one as a bonsai. Up on a bench much safer for keeping from the dogs.

Planning for spring is a good way to get through the winter blues. that you've made a post is more set in motion the notion you must follow through. :D
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