Soil EVERYBODY will love!

Why should anyone be surprised that there are questions being raised?

I'm not surprised.

I would just like to get answers before shit goes overboard!

The longevity question. Excellent.
Judy's ?. Excellent.
What it is. Excellent.

Free sample? You don't need a lot to run our usual tests.

Maybe, I mean, OF COURSE, not everyone will love it, but in my experience, Free samples, is the most honest way for you to figure it out.

Now, if he asks for your SS number to ship you a bag, then he may think we are stupid,(at least one of us is), but till then, he seems like a righteous dude to me!

Well I sent out ONLY four samples of dirt this morning, hope you love it!
Here are some pics of the different parts.image.jpgOn the left is the Claytite And the Pine Bark on the right.
image.jpg On the right is a typical poo poo ball, on the left is my specialize poo poo ball/ the organic material in the soil, which there is not much of at all and is not made of peat. In the middle is a premium grade of Micorrhizae that is added to the ground and dried organic material.image.jpg Here is a Gardenia cutting that was poked into one of my small chunks of organic material and packed with my general mix, you can see the roots attached to the clay completely and will not come off without ripping the root off. This cutting is 11 days old and has accepted the media completely.
so, it's Claytite plus organic components? What's Calytite?
It comes from fire clay production.
It is highly fired clay particles, very light and porous.
claytite, also known as haydite... it's a high fired shale product, the firing cracks the shale making it slightly porous. I bought about 800lb of it recently for $20.
claytite, also known as haydite... it's a high fired shale product, the firing cracks the shale making it slightly porous. I bought about 800lb of it recently for $20.
I have sampled Haydite and drive past 2 rotary kilns that make it to buy Claytite for more.
I've used haydite before, didn't love it. (didn't hate it either... but APL better for me.) So is this haydite?
I've used haydite before, didn't love it. (didn't hate it either... but APL better for me.) So is this
I've used haydite before, didn't love it. (didn't hate it either... but APL better for me.) So is this haydite?
it is similar, Claytite comes from fire brick production. So it is kind of like brick material.
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