Hello there,
So its been a year...
On this day exactly 1 year ago, I was given a Chinese Elm Mallsai,
I hate sending another "me too" birthday wish, though it would be genuine, and since I'm rapidly approaching the age my mother referred to as her "anecdotage," I'll just tell you a tale.
My grandson was a constant reader as a child, and as time went on he developed a taste for fantasy novels. When he was in middle school, maybe
fifteen years ago, he got very excited about The Wheel of Time, a series by Robert Jordan. Nothing would do but for me to read them too, so he could talk about them and I could listen. (Turns out they're well written, and I enjoyed them as well. And we did talk about the books and the fully developed characters in all 14 volumes.)
There a good guy/character in the series who describes a practice in his fictional culture in which a child is given a sword (and appropriate training) when he is old enough to use it well. That signals the start of his life, and his age is measured by that date for as long as he lives.
I like that whole concept so much that I started describing my age in those terms a few years ago. Not with a sword, but with a tree.
I'll be six years old in June, but my legal documents say I'm 70. You'll have many more years as a bonsaist. Enjoy every one of them as much as the first.