So its been a year...


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Essex, UK
Hello there,

So its been a year... as you gathered from the title. I could write a lot (and I probably will), because I tend to type so much.. especially on this hobby, but I will try to keep it shorter!

On this day exactly 1 year ago, I was given a Chinese Elm Mallsai, as a present (and on this day, exactly 25 years ago, I was born, but that's not important). That catapulted me in to this forum and finding out more and more and more, and becoming addicted to knowing about this art form. Its fascinating.

This is nature, mother earth, species that have been around on this earth for longer than humans and will remain longer after humans. We do things to trees, some do nice things, some do bad things, to shape them and create something else. Some aim to create "Bonsai" as set down by rules and tradition, largely Japanese in origin, some create their perception of "Bonsai" to their own rules or rules they learnt from others, then others just do their loose definition of "Bonsai", creating a tree completely for their own enjoyment and not adhering to any rules. Then there are probably most who do a mix of it all. After all, it is art, it cannot be quantified.

As a beginner, finding your way in to that world, not knowing anything about it and being bombarded by so many other's opinions on what this is, or isn't, it's not easy. Learning patience is one of the most difficult things to do. In some cases, it is quite literally like "watching the grass grow".

I digress. I have learnt a lot... an awful lot this year, and I hope for that not to slow down. 1 thing I do want though, is to get more practical experience of the things I have learnt. I have learnt how to thread graft or approach graft, but never done it. I'm interested to try that soon. And trunk chop.

Any way, I will make one of these topics every year, on this day (as long as I am able), for multiple reasons. To thank people, to talk to my future self (I talk to my present self all the time, out loud, why not talk to future self too), to look back with memory and judge how my trees and self are improving.

1 final thing before I post a little list of trees, dates and pics. A thanks. I must say, I cannot possibly name all, so I can only apologise if someone are missing but I feel I must name those who I can, for they may not want it, but do deserve it. Some of you I may not have spoken to or some I may have spoken to too much! But I have learnt a lot from you all.
@sorce (Its a skill in itself to understand your posts sometimes. Just when I think I have cracked it, I see you write a post somewhere else and I think "Nope, that just wasn't english". Thanks for your replies to all my messages I incessantly send you)
@MACH5 (Your eye and skill for the development of your trees is amazing, a sentiment shared by many on here, as much as you won't admit it. It is what it is and its a pleasure to speak to you each time)
@LanceMac10 (You've given so much great advice and your gif posting just makes or breaks things sometimes, it is quite amazing!)
@markyscott (We haven't spoken much but I have learnt so much from your posts and substrate resource you give truly such in depth replies, it is such a wonderful learning opportunity)
@Smoke (Also haven't spoken much to you but still learnt so much. Your years of experience really show and your guidance in old topics I have randomly found, is so great, thank you for your time)
@M. Frary (To be remembered as the guy who bluntly told me how it was! Much needed and appreciated. First to tell me my little precious chinese elm was just a mallsai with less potential than a daffodil. It was needed and appreciated a lot, thank you!)
@BobbyLane (First person I ever met in real life who is crazy about this hobby as I am and becoming. Thanks for your time and trees! Was great meeting you and thank you).

As I said, there are more, people I can think of now but had to draw a line somewhere! Thank you to the Bonsai Nut community, as a whole. I can't easily or at all, get out to a club or get a teacher, so this is my best resource by far and it wouldn't exist without you all. So thank you.

And that's it, no more soppy crap, that is over with!

Here are the trees I currently have, I'm not asking for opinions or critics on them, just for record. You are all, always welcome to give your critic or opinion though, of course. I will never turn it away! No matter how harsh it may be :).

Chinese Elm (Mallsai, 13/03/16),1Rq6l3W.jpg gatWPDX.jpg
Acer Palmatum (10/06/16), LNWGgnf.jpg
Ficus Retusa (07/02/17), fZBb3Hj.jpg
Chinese Elm #3,#4,#5 (26/02/17)6Xrz0Ko.jpg NGMkOPv.jpg xTOhMzh.jpg
European Beech, Jao14cE.jpg
Olive, Potential Front.jpg
Common Alder zP6xq7u.jpg

Here's to the next year. Cheers.
Happy B-day, happy bonsai anniversary, happy growing. Pleased to meet you here next years!
I liked you from the beginning.

I didn't think I could like you more.

But a gentleman you are!

Always impressed!

Newbs should take notes on you on how to be a good newb!

You changed the definition of newb!

Cheers Brother over the Big Pond!

I wanna hang out with Bobby!

I got into bonsai about a year ago too and I couldn't agree with you more (glad I'm not the only one who struggles with source speak). The members here have been fantastic and patient with me and all other newbies I've seen come and go.

In the past year I've dug up crap, bought crap, killed crap and this year, I plan to toss some of that crap. The ones I'm keeping aren't anywhere near being actual bonsai but thanks to this site, I can at least waste my time with one that have potential. Except doug the ugly apple, he will be here forever regardless of his blobbynesso_O

So thanks to all the Bnuts, you are the bomb!!
Happy b(onsai)day !

I am just about a year into this wonderfull hobby too and i feel and think the same about it as you do!

You describe the same experience i recieve from this great forum so i will use your topic to thank all the people who help newbs like us on their way

Thnx you bnuts !
Hello there,

So its been a year... as you gathered from the title. I could write a lot (and I probably will), because I tend to type so much.. especially on this hobby, but I will try to keep it shorter!

On this day exactly 1 year ago, I was given a Chinese Elm Mallsai, as a present (and on this day, exactly 25 years ago, I was born, but that's not important). That catapulted me in to this forum and finding out more and more and more, and becoming addicted to knowing about this art form. Its fascinating.

This is nature, mother earth, species that have been around on this earth for longer than humans and will remain longer after humans. We do things to trees, some do nice things, some do bad things, to shape them and create something else. Some aim to create "Bonsai" as set down by rules and tradition, largely Japanese in origin, some create their perception of "Bonsai" to their own rules or rules they learnt from others, then others just do their loose definition of "Bonsai", creating a tree completely for their own enjoyment and not adhering to any rules. Then there are probably most who do a mix of it all. After all, it is art, it cannot be quantified.

As a beginner, finding your way in to that world, not knowing anything about it and being bombarded by so many other's opinions on what this is, or isn't, it's not easy. Learning patience is one of the most difficult things to do. In some cases, it is quite literally like "watching the grass grow".

I digress. I have learnt a lot... an awful lot this year, and I hope for that not to slow down. 1 thing I do want though, is to get more practical experience of the things I have learnt. I have learnt how to thread graft or approach graft, but never done it. I'm interested to try that soon. And trunk chop.

Any way, I will make one of these topics every year, on this day (as long as I am able), for multiple reasons. To thank people, to talk to my future self (I talk to my present self all the time, out loud, why not talk to future self too), to look back with memory and judge how my trees and self are improving.

1 final thing before I post a little list of trees, dates and pics. A thanks. I must say, I cannot possibly name all, so I can only apologise if someone are missing but I feel I must name those who I can, for they may not want it, but do deserve it. Some of you I may not have spoken to or some I may have spoken to too much! But I have learnt a lot from you all.
@sorce (Its a skill in itself to understand your posts sometimes. Just when I think I have cracked it, I see you write a post somewhere else and I think "Nope, that just wasn't english". Thanks for your replies to all my messages I incessantly send you)
@MACH5 (Your eye and skill for the development of your trees is amazing, a sentiment shared by many on here, as much as you won't admit it. It is what it is and its a pleasure to speak to you each time)
@LanceMac10 (You've given so much great advice and your gif posting just makes or breaks things sometimes, it is quite amazing!)
@markyscott (We haven't spoken much but I have learnt so much from your posts and substrate resource you give truly such in depth replies, it is such a wonderful learning opportunity)
@Smoke (Also haven't spoken much to you but still learnt so much. Your years of experience really show and your guidance in old topics I have randomly found, is so great, thank you for your time)
@M. Frary (To be remembered as the guy who bluntly told me how it was! Much needed and appreciated. First to tell me my little precious chinese elm was just a mallsai with less potential than a daffodil. It was needed and appreciated a lot, thank you!)
@BobbyLane (First person I ever met in real life who is crazy about this hobby as I am and becoming. Thanks for your time and trees! Was great meeting you and thank you).

As I said, there are more, people I can think of now but had to draw a line somewhere! Thank you to the Bonsai Nut community, as a whole. I can't easily or at all, get out to a club or get a teacher, so this is my best resource by far and it wouldn't exist without you all. So thank you.

And that's it, no more soppy crap, that is over with!

Here are the trees I currently have, I'm not asking for opinions or critics on them, just for record. You are all, always welcome to give your critic or opinion though, of course. I will never turn it away! No matter how harsh it may be :).

Chinese Elm (Mallsai, 13/03/16),View attachment 136348 View attachment 136346
Acer Palmatum (10/06/16), View attachment 136341
Ficus Retusa (07/02/17), View attachment 136349
Chinese Elm #3,#4,#5 (26/02/17)View attachment 136342 View attachment 136343 View attachment 136344
European Beech, View attachment 136345
Olive, View attachment 136340
Common Alder View attachment 136347

Here's to the next year. Cheers.
Great post.
Its been a good year for you in bonsai terms and i say heres to many more.
This truly is a great web site and community on bnut. ive been on it for as long as you and it is my go to for helpfull advice and to waste some time reading peoples posts.
Congrats Conor! You made it through the first year. Here's to 80 more! Bonsai is but a long journey along a road that's full of forks, potholes, bumps and the occasional nail or two. But it's also paved with great friendships, self discovery, good lessons in patience, tolerance and acceptance. Finally you get that one tree that makes it all worthwhile in the end.

It's great to see young people getting into bonsai! LOVE this!
More humble than me. Bonsai has been an extremely gratifying experience--on year 3 for me. It is by far my biggest passion and I'm glad to have discovered it early on. Happy Birthday! We're not so far apart in least compared to all these old farts here :D.

Did I say old? Oh well. :eek:
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Happy Birthday Conor!
You my friend are kicking some bonsai ass!
You've taken all of the information posted on this forum,sifted through it,and put the good stuff to use.
Very well I might add.
Many more happy birthdays and stick to Bobby Lane like a tick. Having someone you can talk to in person who has great trees and knows how to get them there is a blessing. I know.
@sorce Get a new phone already! Your pictures are making me think I'm more pie eyed than usual.
I wonder how many post you had your first year @sorce

Not that many!

We got a future... "Good Sense Bloke"...
In our Midst!

You've taken all of the information posted on this forum,sifted through it,and put the good stuff to use.
Very well I might add.

Hell more "very" from me too!

A successful airlayer on the other side of any of my nonsense is a a feat in itself!

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