Its hurtin for certain.
Your corrective measures are pretty spot on for what I would have recommended. Unless you are out west near Pensacola or Tallahassee you shouldn't need to worry about cold temps with Azaleas in Fl.
Id say stay your course and continue to monitor the new growth. No cutting, No repotting till atleast next year... Maybe two years depending on how well your tree responds this year.
In the mean time, you may want to have what ever water you are using tested for PH levels. We are looking for something in the slightly acidic side to neutral. Pool supply shops will sometimes do this test free of charge, just bring them the water sample in a clean container.
It looks to me your repotting wasn't the best, I can see the original root ball from the nursery can and what looks like kanuma packed around it. This can be problematic for one reason, water will take the path of least resistance and that means when you water it will flow around the tightly packed center and into the loose outer yellow soil. Making you think you just properly watered your tree but in reality the roots near the trunk are dry to the bone. My advice to you is monitor that dark root ball near the trunk and don't let it dry out. To ensure your tree is getting completely watered all the way to the center you may want to get a shallow container of some sort that you can "dunk" or rest the entire tree, pot and all in to guarantee that the center root ball is getting wet. Your finger is a great tool to measure mositer in soil, if you are uncomfortable with that you can also use a wooden stick or chop stick to see if the soil is wet or dry underneath similar to checking baked goods in the stove with a tooth pick.
As the temperature climbs into spring and summer, it will be important to make sure your azalea is not drying out...when its in the 90's(F) your tree may need water every day to twice a day. Something you will have to judge yourself based on how much direct light and wind it is exposed to.
Wish you good luck. There are a large number of local clubs located in Fl, Id recommend you find one and go visit them if you feel you need hands on assistance.