Show me your favourite Junipers


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Seine et Marne, France
I've never been a Juniper guy, but recently I started liking them more and more.

So I bought 2 Itoigawa Junipers seedlings. So, while I wait for them to arrive, I might look for some inspiration.

Please show me your favourite Junipers (no need to be yours) if possible on the shohin size spectrum
I really liked these shohin size Junipers from Bjorns a few years back. I think one or both were/are his dads.

I want to recreate this one. It is a simple multi trunk. It stuck with me how a well balanced, properly scaled tree without anything crazy is really enjoyable, too.
Here are a few of mine.
First Itoigawa came from Bjorn, I think it was part of the same batch as the twisted one in post #4:
Second is Shimpaku shohin from an air layer:
My Shimpaku from a few years ago, it’s been allowed to grow for the last couple years, so it isn’t as tidy as it looks in this shot:
In 2014 while working on a fire crew based in Sequoia National Park, I “discovered” a gigantic candelabra-top sierra juniper somewhere near the parking lot at Mineral King. I couldn’t get an accurate measurement but I swear it had to have been at least 60 feet tall with 7 or 8 dead tops. It was such a beast. Everyone thought it was a dwarfed sequoia. They all thought I was crazy for geeking out over it, but this thing was insane I tell you.

Anyway, I never got a picture of it and haven’t returned since. I’ve tried to find the tree in people’s travel photos and with street view, but to no avail. I hope to see it again one day.
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