Should I give up on my Japanese Quince? It is sick, help needed.

YAAY!!,!🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳 I KNEW you’d beat it! I guess that salsa was too hot even for the hot and spicy Latino spider mites. So happy it worked!
A friend grew some Tai peppers and gave me some. He said they are not that hot. I ate one last night on a homemade pizza and I was up half the night with severe heartburn.
Yeah, he is still a friend.
Oh well, I guess I must thank you all once more. And the pepper mix, of course.
No more spider mites at all, my little Quince is clean as a baby, and today it's blooming!
Thought you should like to know.
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You can't overwater if your potting mix is course enough. It all sounds like a drainage issue to me. Spider mites like weak trees, look to what might have weakened it. Perhaps too much root trimming when repotting, crazy weather at wrong time, over fertilized etc. Looking through the rest of the posts your tree is coming along nicely and has lovely flowers.
As you may well know...
One of the methods of getting rid of the spider mites is spraying the plants, specially the undersides of the leaves, with a water jet every other day.
And water always end up being absorbed by the soil.
Fall and Winter are our dry seasons, even so I guess I could be exaggerating on the watering.
I will be patient and water a tidy less.
Thanks, @JudyB !
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You can't Overwater if your potting mix is course enough. It all sounds like a drainage issue to me.
I guess this thread progression shows that the issue were spider mites alright.
And I got rid of them with the pepper mix.
Yes, I know all about coarse soil mixes, but take into consideration my climate. I guess it is somehow different from yours.
By the way, I love this assertion line "you can't blahblah..." used as advice, because many times you can.
Thanks for suggesting it was a drainage issue, but in this case, it wasn't.
Well, I've got good news; the pepper recipe works fine. No signs of mites and new growth all over. Dead and old leaves fell down.
I'd like to thank all of you that helped and encouraged me to keep trying.
Take a look!
The Quince today, it was repotted yesterday:
View attachment 328945

The new leaves, no mites at all !
View attachment 328946
I like that pot!
By the way, I love this assertion line "you can't blahblah..." used as advice, because many times you can.
Well, I'm going to disagree. Look at the physics, you really can't overwater if your drainage is good as their is no where for water to perch.
And it's a thing that spider mites attack weak plants. Even so, glad your quince has recovered.
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