Should I collect it? (Sitka Spruce)


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Sorry! Did not mean to double post! I thought I was only editing my original post, which I wanted to do because the pictures on my hard drive are at odd angles, as opposed to the ones in this link that are right side up :(.

Hi everyone, I'm on the fence about collecting this tree, and I was wondering what other people would think. The pros are that it's in relatively dig-able soil, and has a very thick trunk for it's height, but I am relatively new to collecting, and it would be good to hear some opinions., you can see several pictures of it here.
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Generally, it's best to collect trees with a captive root system (see photos), which also have interesting trunks and foliage close to the trunk. When collecting, focus on the bottom 18-24" and try to envision how interesting it would be as a bonsai.

With the spruce shown, it has some foliage near the trunk, but the lower trunk isn't that interesting, and the root system could be pretty far-flung from the base.

I'm all for trying, but this one might present some challenges, both from getting enough roots, and from later using it to create a convincing bonsai.


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I look at the first 6-8 inches off the ground. If it's not interesting there, it should have some other compelling attribute that grabs my attention.

Photo Sep 12, 7 03 18 PM.jpgPhoto Sep 12, 7 02 29 PM.jpgPhoto Jul 15, 1 01 02 PM.jpg

Two are are great right away and the foliage was close enough to work it together. The one that is super straight and not that interesting from curve appeal, has a flaky bark that tells me it's really old.

Im pretty discriminating at this point about what I gather. I have a tree like the one your looking at that I gathered 7 years ago. I'm selling it this year because I've found better stuff to gather.

If you need it to practice it might be worth your while(if it has a gatherable root system). If your looking at it for good bonsai, I think you'll find better stuff.
The weird thing about Sitka Spruce is that it sends out new shoots on the trunk alllll the time, so I can get as much foliage as I want in a few years, no matter how low I cut it.
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