Shaping old Bougainvillea


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Last winter I pulled up a 20 year old Bougainvillea out of the ground to make a large bonsai. Now that it has new growth Im trying to think of the best way to shape this. Its base trunk is pretty epic and even though its got some nice hardwood taper, some parts are too straight.

Wondering what others might feel the best way to shape it would be. 20200502_154920.jpg20200502_155016.jpg20200502_155229.jpg
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That thing is a beast.
Kind of a cross between the Kraken and Jabba the Hut.
Hard to say what to do, I would let it throw some more buds and branches and then decide.
lol yea its kinda intense. Good idea about waiting for more growth. Saw the new shoots and got slaphappy.
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