Shady's ACTUAL Trees

Oh no, not that one... Your collected shrub.
Oh, that tiny mame?
Found the exact same leaves in another location, and little white berries. Turned out to be Utah snowberry.

We'll see how that little guy comes through winter. It's doing well so far, at least as far as I can tell. May bring it inside early before we get those sub-0 days starting here in a few weeks. It should have gotten plenty of chill time by then, and I don't think for a second it'll take a having the entirety of it's roots frozen solid for days at a time.
So I did bring that mame yamadori inside a little while after that last deep freeze. It's already pushing new foliage.
In hindsight I can see I was just being over protective of it, and it really should still be outside. We've got at least another month before it's really spring, and a chance of frost all the way to May. Oh well, too late now.

Some update pics. Tried to get an all around view of that deadwood. I'm rather ambivalent about it. A rare feature on mame scales, but also a level of inverse taper that can't just be looked past. Open to suggestions.
No real plans for the coming season. Maybe get it into something that might help with nebari at the most, but don't count on it.
Did some tinkering with the two pines.

Oh, and an emergency repot of a ginco.

I've already pinched buds from the portions of the pine that will eventually be removed, but today I decided to just take off significant portions of them.

The Norway pine hasn't sent much energy to that one little bud, so I'm hoping this helps.

The ponderosa was still favoring the old apex, but there are buds building on the new apex as well.
I'm hoping to see enough vigor this season to take it back further in fall, or maybe completely remove the old apex all together next spring. I'm afraid of this node swelling any more.
If I can get the old apex out of the way, I can start dealing with this before it becomes a major problem.

The ginco hasn't been part of this thread, but since it's in the pics...
Freeze damage to the pot over winter, and as I tried to move it out of the way the whole rim gave way in my hand, dropping the rest.

A grift from @Colorado into another gift from @Colorado.
Reused some old, but not spent, soil filled out with 8822.
Looks to be perfect timing as well. Buds just opening, and new growth at the root tips. Forgot to take a pic.
There was actually very little root ball to it, making me recall someone here (don't recall who) saying that when trees just bud out without extending - like this one has - it's generally a root issue. Seems to be the case, and I'm hoping that a change in root conditions may help.
What did I do wrong?
I noticed many needles turning brown about a week or so ago, but they seemed to be older ones, and the new candles looked alright so I wasn't worried.
Now it's almost completely brown, and the new candles seem to have stalled.

The Norway pine I gave similar treatment looks fine. That one bud down low died, but it's sprouted healthy new growth higher up.

I'm confused and a little upset.
I've been fertilizing lightly. Does it need more?
I was thinking about a repot next spring.
The whole collection was treated with malathion for aphids and mealybugs that have been getting out of control since last season, about two weeks ago. Everything else seems sound afterwards.
Left the ponderosa separated so I can keep an eye on it. Went out for a smoke and poked around the pot a bit. Discovered that it's still really wet. That's my current theory.

Now I need to spend some time reworking my water setup I think. All the watering is setup on a single system on a timer, but things like the flowerbed are on soaker hoses, so need more time than the sprinkler on the trees. Looks like that's not going to work out.
The choke cherry is about to push it's second flush, and I didn't get to anything in spring so now is a good time to do some trimming.
Is a hard chop or cut back a terrible idea right now? Aside from the damned grasshoppers it's been doing amazing.


Spotted what I think is woodlice while pushing back a spot of dead bark from the deadwood. I'll have to manage that, but callussing a long the edges looks strong enough.
Just cut back the leggy stuff for now, looking for some back budding to play with next season. I need to strategize what branches need removing, but unless I can get growth further down some of these branches I'm very limited at this point.
If I can do a chop or two now that'd give me an even better idea what to expect.
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