Selling my collection

Spoken like a Typical Left Wing Liberal Democrat,...Eh.
Actually not a democrat-independent, and no all that liberal except when it comes to helping people instead of big business.
Internet, Social Media, TV, Cable News Channels, Media at large, Big Box Stores......
All have created a Lifestyle & Mindset that is bringing down America compared to post WWII when we all had to Fend for ourselves...
Its not going to change for the better, it will just slowly become worse,until we become just another Socialist Entitity struggling to survive.....
Extreme Liberal Left Wing Democrats are responsible for all this.......
1984, and @Forsoothe! reminded me of this

from an email from my dad in february
"Ministry of Truth", Geo Orwells 1984....reading it now, so scary, so opposing thoughts allowed
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Remember, we didn't start with "politicians" running from one public office to another higher up, we started with the concept of the patriot as a part-time, temporary representative who returned to the farm or mill after doing his duty for a term. A laughable concept, considering the nature of mankind.
John Adams:
Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.

Not laughable when we knew where we came from.....IMHO.
yeah.. i'm not sure what all is happening here.. LOL>
but i did join the OP's group awhile back.. he has been selling trees for some time.. the raffle of trees was something he was trying out. when he first posted in here.. i believe it was another thread (maybe).. but i haven't check back on him since.
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