Seedlings, 4 weeks, Baby’s Jacaranda + Rocky Mountain Pine Advice! Appreciated!


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I’ve got these guys out of those grow your own kits from the store they seem to be doing great so far! Witch it good box says to thin the heard. Witch I will be doing cutting at the base level. I live in Florida it’s Aproaching summer so I’m winding how these types will fair in the HEAT, as well as caring for them all tips tricks will help! Thining them out? When should I repot them? How many can I keep in the pot before the start stealing each others nutrients etc? Should I feed them? And or give them real sun anytime soon?
I’ll keep tabs on this post and post pics on progress..


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It all comes down to how serious you want to be about this hobby.
If you want to be growing pinus aristata, they should be outdoors at all times. Some of the seedlings will die of natural causes like fungal infections, drought or overwatering. So I wouldn't thin the herd until next year. The move outdoors should take 3-4 weeks from a shaded position, moving slowly into full sun.

In the meantime, you can go looking for japanese black pines that should do very well in your region.

You can repot young plants basically anytime as long as you can provide proper aftercare. But I'd wait with the pines until they've gotten a little larger. Right now they have just a tiny root system that easily breaks and I'm not sure if this variety is easy on the regrowing of damaged roots. Keep them alive until next year and you're probably good to go repotting in springtime.
The Jacaranda should be in the sun now but I would acclimate it before going into full sun. 2-3 hours of morning sun for a week or so first.

The pine won't live inside and most likely won't do well in Florida outside either.
Seedlings will definitely compete with others in the same pot for nutrients, water and light. They can stay in the same pot but growth will be a little slower than individual pots. Use fertiliser to keep growth rates up.
Seedlings can also be transplanted easily when they are this young. I usually transplant seedlings into individual pots around this stage. Breaking a few roots at this stage rarely hurts seedlings. In fact, I usually trim the long first root at the first transplanting to help them grow more lateral roots.
Sunlight is definitely a good thing for healthy seedlings and will also help protect them from fungal infection which is very common for small seedlings in protected place. Just need to monitor soil moisture as small pots dry out real quick in spring, especially with wind and sun.
The comment from @Wires_Guy_wires about transition slowly from protected indoors to sunlight is important as plants can suffer sunburn too.
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