I was wondering if anyone knew of any resources which have a care guide as per the seasonal calendar for species. I understand this will differ somewhat depending on geographical location, but still think I would find this useful
As a beginner I find I spend ages researching what to do at certain times of year but then forget, and may miss the time to do candle pruning on pines, fertilising, bud selection, repotting etc...
I'm looking to create a pretty basic checklist for when to do what in the year for each species so I can have this handy to refer to, and make sure I don't miss the boat on any tasks/ techniques! Not sure if this exists as I know there are most likely many nuances to this but anything would be very helpful...
As a beginner I find I spend ages researching what to do at certain times of year but then forget, and may miss the time to do candle pruning on pines, fertilising, bud selection, repotting etc...
I'm looking to create a pretty basic checklist for when to do what in the year for each species so I can have this handy to refer to, and make sure I don't miss the boat on any tasks/ techniques! Not sure if this exists as I know there are most likely many nuances to this but anything would be very helpful...