Sean’s Trident Projects

I don’t think I’ve posted this tree before. It was started with 5 collected seedlings that I tied together. One of the seedlings died and was replaced the following spring. That seedling died too so I ended up approach grafting a shoot to the base to make the 5th trunk yet again.
Repotted into the only pot I had that would fit the bulbous root base, it’s basically touching the sides of the inside of the pot just below the soil line!

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The graft that will be used to build the 5th trunk is the lowest, thinnest one on the lower right. There are 2 buds waiting to grow just below the cut.

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Cut back and partial defoliation of this shohin multi-trunk


This lowest trunk on the right was a graft from 2 seasons ago. You can see the lines on the base of the tree that indicate where the approach graft was performed

I’ve been working on trees almost non-stop the past few weeks. Tridents and JMs are growing like crazy and are taking up most of my free time.

Worked on this large ROR today. The trunks are really starting to melt over the rock now. Cut off the sacrificial trunk in the front that was used to add the roots that cut back under the stone on the front right, it had fused sufficiently to the main root base and had done its job.

A few ROR projects from one of my grow beds, all in their 2nd season in the ground.

#1 - I think this one was 10 or so seedlings. Fusing very well, most seedlings are fused to at least 2 other seedlings at this point. I’d like them all to eventually become one big chunk of trident.


#2 - If I remember correctly this one was started with 5 seedlings. There’s a screw holding 2 of the seedlings together to aid fusion


#3 - future shohin double trunk. Started with 3 seedlings, the 3rd one was only used for its roots and had its trunk severed once it was fused to the roots of one of the other 3. The large wound is from where the 3rd sacrificial seedling was amputated. Only it’s roots remain.


#4 - 3 seedlings, with 2 extra grafted on the following spring. One of the seedlings was coiled around the sticky-up knobby part of the rock. All seedlings fused at certain points.

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#1 - I think this one was 10 or so seedlings. Fusing very well, most seedlings are fused to at least 2 other seedlings at this point. I’d like them all to eventually become one big chunk of trident
Wow, you have here a future great great tree ! The roots are beautifull and the trunks well placed for a dynamic multi-trunk.
I think it could be nice like this (trunk lines with curves like the roots) ->
A few ROR projects from one of my grow beds, all in their 2nd season in the ground.

#1 - I think this one was 10 or so seedlings. Fusing very well, most seedlings are fused to at least 2 other seedlings at this point. I’d like them all to eventually become one big chunk of trident.

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#2 - If I remember correctly this one was started with 5 seedlings. There’s a screw holding 2 of the seedlings together to aid fusion

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#3 - future shohin double trunk. Started with 3 seedlings, the 3rd one was only used for its roots and had its trunk severed once it was fused to the roots of one of the other 3. The large wound is from where the 3rd sacrificial seedling was amputated. Only it’s roots remain.

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#4 - 3 seedlings, with 2 extra grafted on the following spring. One of the seedlings was coiled around the sticky-up knobby part of the rock. All seedlings fused at certain points.

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Update on the 2nd tree in this previous post. The screw holding the 2 seedlings together has done its job nicely and the trunks have started to fuse. A 3rd trunk has now also started to fuse as a small shoot and the main seedling have thickened and made contact.


The new, surprise point of fusion. The thick seedling has slowly started to engulf the small stub and shoot.


Screw visible in these next photos

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