Satsuki cuttings/young material - UK


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Hi all. Just wanted to put some feelers out there and see if anyone was selling any rooted cuttings of satsuki or younger material (1-5yrs?). I know Southwest Bonsai and MiniSatsuki in France sell quite a few varieties, just wondering if there's any other vendors out there? Thanks!
I haven't seen much really, Greenwood sometimes get some younger bits in periodically (imported) but seems sporadic. Will keep a look out!

Are you just collecting varieties and enjoying the flowers or looking for movement and nebari for bonsai? Are you doing any propagation yourself?

I am growing on some cuttings of Nikko and Zuiun, I'll try and do some more this year, including Yama-no-Hikari and Hakurei. If any of those interest you in a year or two we can talk ;)
I actually went down to Greenwood's this Thursday and asked about younger material, and they might be selling some cuttings/young material in April I believe, so there's a little tip :)

At the moment, just trying to collect varieties. I spent a lot of time doing bonsai and I cut down a lot to the point where I've only just started growing azaleas again about a month ago. I'll probably look to get back into the actual bonsai side of things when I can get a few plants established! In terms of propagation, I've kindly been given some seeds by @Glaucus which I'm hoping will germinate, and a few random rhododendron species seed I am also trying out.

Oh absolutely, I've got a few cultivars myself (Kanuma-no-kagayaki, Kaho, Subaru, Aozora and Hitomebore) which I'm going to be taking as many cuttings of this year. It'd be nice to get as many UK growers of azaleas in on this as possible, because I've been at this since 2022 and the amount of varieties I've seen here in the UK available hasn't been that many. Funnily enough, the most success I've had was with eBay. Although, a Chihiro I ordered has been lost in the matrix of the delivery system for a week and the Hitomebore I just received got absolutely demolished by Evri🤣
Ah damn bad luck, the delivery guys my way have been rough recently too! Good luck on your search, and yeah lets all increase the satsuki population :) so far I've found cuttings quite easy to strike, and satsuki need a lot of pruning so thats lots of potential material..
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